Down Time

Some days a person wants a little down time.   Time to deflate, regroup, and set a game plan for the upcoming week.   That's what I wanted today, but haven't gotten.  Yet.  

Slept in until 7:30 am,, which is HUGE for me.  Normally my internal body clock has me up and going by 6 am on my off days.  I forced myself to sit, drink coffee, read a chapter in my book (I know!!  I'm trying to get my mind to quiet down enough to read again!), then hit the ground running at 8:30.  Cleaning, laundry, organizing, put a roast in the crock pot then set out to the gym. 

Ya, I drove in to town to hit the sub-zero temps.  Either I'm committed or crazy.   Well, it's one of the things that I promised myself for 2016 - Step up the game at the gym and start taking better control of my health - physically as well as mentally.  For you blog stalkers, I'm doing much better on the mentally part - still have my bad days, but once more, they're getting less frequent.  (Thanks to the aid of 5-HTP, fish oil, Vitamin B-12 and water!).  I hope that trend continues.  I'm keeping the S.A.D at bay the best way I know how and so far, so good.

The gym time was welcomed. I've always been able to zone out any problems that I have on my mind and use that anxious energy towards my workout.  It's a much more productive way to deal with things, I'd say.   I didn't stay a full hour, but I made good use of the time I had there.  I put on my Ipod to the kick ass play list and worked off some calories.  Yay me!  Rewards:  Quieter mind, worked off calories, renewed energy!

The rest of the day is going to be spent working on getting my laptop up and running again, working on my January 16 schedule (I know...I'm late!), then sitting down to get ready for the work week.  It's a full 40 hour week this week and that has me a little bummed.  But that's ok...cuz next week Monday is a holiday and I have the day off!  

Tonight, I'm going to have a glass of wine (or two), pack my yoga bag for tomorrow night, pack my lunch for work and get the mind geared up to hit it hard at work (again).  I was kind of quiet last week and everyone was wondering what was "wrong with Sherry."   Guess I talk too much, huh?  lol.  It's alright though.  I was in my corner focusing on work and got a lot done.  I'm hoping for more of the same this week.  

Hopefully my blog stalkers out there are getting some much needed down time and enjoying your day. 


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