Another Month Gone
Here it is, the end of January. Where did the time go? Seems like I blink and another day is gone. Not a bad thing when it's the work week, but dangit - I'd sure like these weekends to stick around a bit longer. Saturday was an especially long day for me. Two yoga classes in the morning, time with my friend/stylist Eva in the afternoon, an hour with my friend Donna's house, then another yoga class at The Arts Center. This was a "Yoga and Wine" event that I thought I'd try out and see how it goes. This type of things goes over well in Fargo, but here? Well, I had 10 people for the first time out. Yay me! My original arrangement was to do a 60/40 split with the Arts Center, but I ended up giving all the proceeds to the Arts Center. It made me feel good to do that and it helps them out too. I'd like to try doing another one in the summer - perhaps in the Arts Park. I'll discuss it with the director in the futu...