Ok. I know why I’m in a funk! It’s the weather! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
It’s May 5th for chrissakes!!! We’re supposed to be experiencing 70 degree weather with blue skys and gentle spring breezes. Instead, we are experiencing gale force winds, rain, winter storm warnings (for the western part of the state), and it’s dark and gloomy. It hasn’t done much for my disposition that’s for sure.
Someone commented that I was a bit “testy” in my previous blog post and went on to say that it was “uncharacteristic” of me, as I’m a yogi and supposed to practice love and tolerance. True. The key word in that sentence is practice. I try hard every day to live the good life and to practice tolerance and love. Most days I succeed. Others, I fail; yesterday was one of those days. It probably had less to do with other people and more with the fact that I have been in a funk.
I’m resolving to do better today – despite the weather! J