Oh, I know! You are probably thinking “what’s so good about it?!”
Well, one could say, that it is good because: we draw breath and our heart beats, we have another day during which to impact someone’s life. Or maybe it is good because we are doing something that we truly love and get great enjoyment from it. While I know that some days are tougher than others (boy do I know it!), I also know that each day is a gift and should not be taken lightly. And by now you are probably saying, “enough with the happy bulls**t Sherry!” ~LOL~
My sister is really enjoying her day! She was part of a group that won $250,000 in the lottery. Yeppers! She was one excited cookie! Though she has to split with 18 other people, AND take taxes out, she’s still richer today than she was on Monday!. Good for her! Now, I texted my cousins in California and Val said, “soooo, another trip to Reno?” ~LOL~ Absolutely, and I’m sticking VERY close to my sister!
Spent last Sunday taking down sandbags at my brothers house. Yuck! We left quite a bunch out there yet – on the south side of the house. So, I suppose if my brother has enough beer on hand (Terry, if you read this, I drink Coors Light!), I’ll be spending a day down there this weekend to take them down. The dike will be started in June, so next year we can sit on it and watch the river rise and not have to lift a stinkin sandbag! (Ha! Take THAT river!!).
I had an awesome workout at the gym last night; I worked hard and felt good afterwards. Then I stepped on the scale this morning and saw I gained 1.5 pounds. WTF!! ~L~ Must be muscle! J When I look at where I was 10 years ago and the progress I’ve made in weight loss, strength, and flexibility – I feel quite proud of myself. I’m in better shape at age 47 (ok, almost 48) than I was in my 20’s. Yeah! J I have a session with Mark (my new trainer) tomorrow. I’m pretty sure he’s going to make sure that I suck air on those damn “mountain climber” and “burpee” exercises. That’s alright Mark…I can handle anything you throw at me!
OK folks…time for me to go. I hope everyone has a good day!
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