Thursday, May 27, 2010

A time of remembrance..

For you blog stalkers out there, you must know by now that every year, just before Memorial Day, my brother, sister and I go to the cemetery to spruce things up a bit: trim the headstones, plant flowers, etc.   The evening, of course, usually ends with us toasting our parents memories with a beer or two (or three).  

It’s amazing how the memories come flooding back to me.  I remember going down to the cemetery with my mother when I was a child and doing the exact same thing - except in those days we didn’t drink beer!  (ha!)  Mom usually took me for an ice cream cone and a drive around town afterwards.  Sometimes, if Dad was with us, we would go down by the river in the park and have a hamburger that we’d gotten from the café.  

Last night we ended up at the Dally-Up Saloon and had some (more) beers and hamburgers, all the while discussing whatever trials and tribulations the four (my sister-in-law was there also) were going through.   I think that with each beer, the problems got easier to solve!  (ha).

It’s a night for remembrance with laughter, tears, hugs and smiles - all while honoring those who’ve touched our life so deeply.

Miss you Mom and Dad!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

March to your own drum

I wasn’t a popular person in high school – in fact, my circle of friends were few.  I didn’t go out a lot on weekends, I didn’t wear the most fashionable clothes, nor was I a stunning beauty.  I was alright with that though.  My father said, “it’s alright, you just do your own thing…march to the beat of your own drum.”  I guess I’ve always been a bit of a loner and resisted going with what was normal or acceptable. I tended to be off by myself and do what made me happy rather than what made everyone else happy.  One might say I was a bit of a geek.  (I know! Hard to imagine, isn’t it??!!)

As childhood gave way to adulthood, I continued to march to my own drum.

Some days I marched a lot faster and with purpose, other days the beat of my drum was a soft echo in the background.  I still marched though; and I still do.  I tend to be the independent one in the corner laughing when someone says “you shouldn’t do that” or the first one to step up to try something different just for the heck of it. More often than not, I’m rewarded in ways I had not even imagined.

I’ve stepped outside my comfort zone more times than I can count and I’ve found that with each step, I grow more confident and experience the joy of being a bit of a rebel.

I don’t act my age because I refuse to be stereotyped – I’ll act my age when my age, body and mind are on the same page!  I’ll continue to wear bold toe nail polish, wear funky hairstyles, change my hair color every six weeks, jam out to rock music and party like a rock star when I want to.  I’ll laugh out loud at jokes that are risqué and maybe even tell a few of my own.  I’m more apt to tell you what I think than to hold back and let you wonder.

I’m that misfit from high school that hasn’t fit in to the mold.  That’s alright….. I’m still marching to the beat of my own drum. J   

I found this quote today, and thought it was amusing and true.  So, I’m sharing it with all of you.   

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers. The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Author Unknown - But Greatly Appreciated!



Monday, May 24, 2010

Somebody Stole My Happy

I got up to the sound of gentle rain against my window.  A soft breeze bellowing the blinds through an open window and the smell of fresh rain.  I had a leisurely cup of coffee, did some yoga – not much, about 20 minutes of sun salutes, then got ready for work. 

The morning was beautiful and calm – just the way you want a morning to be.

The drive in to work was uneventful and calm.  

I arrived at work five minutes early even.  

I was smiling as I walked in the door.

Then…….. somebody stole my Happy!

I was pulled in 20 different directions at once, and of course, everyone wanted something “yesterday.”  I found out I’d been conned by an inmate and I pleaded with the COS to give me 5 minutes along with the little bugger…but I was shot down in a heartbeat.   Spoilsport!

I ate twice my normal amount of calories by 10:00 am, I had a headache cuz I’m trying to cut down on caffeine ( and normally would have consumed a whole pt of coffee by 9am and be working on the 2nd).  The work I was doing today wasn’t my normal routine;  so of course, I was lost and try to b.s. my way through it to get it done.  On TOP of that, it was raining cats and dogs and my normal “ok hair day” turned in to a really “BAD” hair day in two seconds flat.  

It is 4:24pm and I’m still looking for my Happy! (huge sigh).



Sunday, May 23, 2010

So I'm pretty sure

.. the snake was just as startled as I was....but at least there wasn't any blood involved! ~L~ 

Man do I ever have an aversion to snakes!!  I was mowing grass tonight and reached down to pull some weeds from my rock garden ....and there he was.   Long, slimy, and stealth.....just laying there in the rocks sunning himself as if he owned the place!  So not cool!  I screamed and attempted to run away but my feet wouldn't move....  I was frozen in place.  And the stupid snake didn't even have the common courtesy to slither away!  It just laid there with it's beady little eyes fixed on me!  Course, if it was like me, it was frozen in place also.  All I know is that we stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity before I picked up a rock and  threw it at him - then screamed when it started to move.   I'm pretty sure that it was thinking "geeze lady....pipe down and let me get out of here!" ~LOL~

One would think that growing up on a farm and living on a ranch would have me hardened to the sight of snakes, mice, and spiders.  Nope!  I'm one big chicken wussy when it comes to things like that.   Like, I know we have mice in our garage.   So...if I need to go to my vehicle for something, I'll knock on the inside garage door and say "get away little mouse" before actually going in to the garage.  You know, kinda announcing myself and giving THEM plenty of time to scurry to a safe distance away so that I don't see them.   Isn't that nice of me?  ~L~

It gives me the heeby jeebies when I see them first, but it's twice as bad if the sneak up on me by surprise! ~L~  Nope, I'm a chicken wussy and I'm proud of it.   You can bet your last dollar that I'm not going to be doing any more weeding of my rock garden unless I have a huge stick in my hand! ~LOL~

Friday, May 21, 2010

Today's To Do List

Skip (literally) out of work at noon.

Take Mother-in-Law out for lunch.

Have a training session with Mark at 2pm.

Crawl out of gym at  4pm.

Go home and clean house. (Yuck)

Convince hubster he should take me out for supper (Yeah).

Pretend I’m 27 and stay up till midnight and drink a cool alcoholic beverage.  (Dream)

Fall in to bed exhausted at 10:00 pm (Reality). 





Thursday, May 20, 2010

Good Morning!!!

Oh, I know!  You are probably thinking “what’s so good about it?!” 

Well, one could say, that it is good because:  we draw breath and our heart beats, we have another day during which to impact someone’s life. Or maybe it is good because we are doing something that we truly love and get great enjoyment from it.  While I know that some days are tougher than others (boy do I know it!), I also know that each day is a gift and should not be taken lightly.  And by now you are probably saying, “enough with the happy bulls**t Sherry!”  ~LOL~

My sister is really enjoying her day!  She was part of a group that won $250,000 in the lottery.  Yeppers!  She was one excited cookie!  Though she has to split with 18 other people, AND take taxes out, she’s still richer today than she was on Monday!.  Good for her!  Now, I  texted my cousins in California and Val said, “soooo, another trip to Reno?”  ~LOL~  Absolutely, and I’m sticking VERY close to my sister! 

 Spent last Sunday taking down sandbags at my brothers house.  Yuck!  We left quite a bunch out there yet – on the south side of the house.  So, I suppose if my brother has enough beer on hand (Terry, if you read this, I drink Coors Light!), I’ll be spending a day down there this weekend to take them down.  The dike will be started in June, so next year we can sit on it and watch the river rise and not have to lift a stinkin sandbag! (Ha! Take THAT river!!).

I had an awesome workout at the gym last night; I worked hard and felt good afterwards.  Then I stepped on the scale this morning and saw I gained 1.5 pounds.  WTF!!  ~L~  Must be muscle!  J  When I look at where I was 10 years ago and the progress I’ve made in weight loss, strength, and flexibility – I feel quite proud of myself.  I’m in better shape at age 47 (ok, almost 48) than I was in my 20’s.   Yeah!  J  I have a session with Mark (my new trainer) tomorrow.  I’m pretty sure he’s going to make sure that I suck air on those damn “mountain climber” and “burpee” exercises.  That’s alright Mark…I can handle anything you throw at me! 

OK folks…time for me to go.  I hope everyone has a good day!



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Woooooo Hooooooo!


I’ve JUST been notified that Happy Hour Chatter has reached the 13,000 hits mark!  Yeah!!!!!!   This is a good thing.  Although my life is boring and blasé`, peeps are still interested in lil ole’ me!  J 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Sanctuary

I’ve come to view my yoga mat as my “sanctuary.”  On the days when I find life difficult, I have found that stepping on my mat brings me relief from whatever may be causing me stress.   I believe that it’s a matter of “letting go” for an hour that does it.  I can move, breathe and focus on nothing but being on my mat and in my practice. I’m learning to let  go of all the other stuff in life for that time; I don’t even think about it.   Consequently, when my practice ends and I “return to the world” as it may be, whatever has been bothering me doesn’t seem as important any longer.  Oh, the problem or stressor may still be there, but I find that I’m better equipped to handle it.   My mind has more focus and clarity with which to deal with things.  

I became emotional the other day when talking about this.  I’m passionate about yoga – and that passion often causes me to show emotion when talking about yoga and what it has done for me and my life.  I cannot imagine a day of my life without stepping on to my mat, finding my sanctuary, and finding that beautiful place within me to simply “be me”. 

My wish for you?   For you to find your sanctuary on your yoga mat.




Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there.  I hope your day was an enjoyable one. 

I think back lovingly to memories of my mother.  I really do not know if there is a day gone by that I don't think of her in some way or another.  I look at pictures of her and I smile, I run across something that she wrote to me (a card perhaps), and I cry tears.   There is a song that clutches my heart every time I hear it as it reminds me of mom and how I feel about her.  It's by Caitlin and Will, and it's called "No Address In the Stars".  This is verse #3:

Without you here with me,
I don't know what to do.
I'd give anything
Just to talk to you
Oh it breaks my heart,
Oh it breaks my heart,
But all I can do
Is write these letters to you,
But there's no address in the stars.

What I wouldn't give to talk with my mother; to ask her simple things like: what she used in her cake batter to make it so moist, what were her dreams and hopes for herself before she got married and had kids.  Did she experience blue days and how did she get through them.  Did she have any regrets in life?  What did she like best about life?

She had so much wisdom to share; I wish I would have listened more and appreciated her more when she was alive.  Now all I have is the memories...... and unanswered questions.   Some days I feel her "mother's love" supporting me, guiding me through......but I'd give my weight in gold to wrap my arms around her once more and tell her "she was loved beyond words" and to listen to her tell me "it will be OK."  There is something about those words coming from "Mom", that really did "make it OK."

I have no children of my own.  I have not known the joy of holding a life born of me in my arms, and having their tiny fingers wrapped around mine as they suckle from my breast.  I will not experience the joys of seeing a son riding bike for the first time, or the horrors of seeing my son falling down and experiencing pain for the first time.  I will not see a daughter walking down the aisle at her wedding, or the birth of a grandchild.  

I will not witness the miracle of birth.  

Though my life is childless, I've plenty to celebrate;  the trials and tribulations of my nieces and nephews and the daughters and sons of countless friends. 

I laugh with the mothers as they chronicle their hectic lives of running to volleyball practice, dance lessons, and gymnastics and "never having any time for themselves."

I cry with them when their child encounters pain and heartache at not making a team or not being 'best friends" with "so and so anymore!" because they were mean.

I offer the mothers objective opinions - when asked to give one, and hold their hands to give them strength when they need to give out that "tough love" that crushes them to the core (but needs to be done).

I celebrate their children's life achievements  (graduation) and cheer with them when they mark a milestone in their child's life (marriage).

My heart aches for them when they let their child experience their own mistakes and stand beside them (helping them to be strong) when they see their child fall from grace and work to get back in to the game of life.

I'm not a Mother - just a friend, of some of the most courageous people on the face of this earth. 

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Ok.  I know why I’m in a funk!   It’s the weather!  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 

It’s May 5th for chrissakes!!!  We’re supposed to be experiencing 70 degree weather with blue skys and gentle spring breezes. Instead, we are experiencing gale force winds, rain, winter storm warnings (for the western part of the state), and it’s dark and gloomy.  It hasn’t done much for my disposition that’s for sure.

Someone commented that I was a bit “testy” in my previous blog post and went on to say that it was “uncharacteristic” of me, as I’m a yogi and supposed to practice love and tolerance.  True.  The key word in that sentence is practice.   I try hard every day to live the good life and to practice tolerance and love. Most days I succeed.  Others, I fail; yesterday was one of those days. It probably had less to do with other people and more with the fact that I have been in a funk.   

I’m resolving to do better today – despite the weather!  J






Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Things that make me go "ugggggggg"

1)      If you wanted it yesterday, you shouldn’t have given it to me today.

2)      The words “Please” and “Thank you” are NOT foreign words. You should try them sometime.

3)      Please, when I’m on the phone and I say, “I’ll be just a minute”…please do not hover within earshot so you can listen to my conversation.

4)      My pens are MY pens….end of story.

5)      When you take the last of something – effectively depleting the stock of said item – please say something BEFORE someone else needs said item.  The “oh yeah, I forgot to tell you” doesn’t cut it .

6)      When I say, “I have plans”, please don’t ask “what are they”?   If I wanted you to know, I would have told you.

7)      Please have the courtesy to be on time.  I’ve arranged my schedule to spend time with you and would like to spend it with you rather than wondering where you are for the first 15-30 minutes.  It makes me feel as if I’m unimportant and you have better things to do than to spend time with me.

8)      If you are going to be late, please call.   Again, a simple courtesy.   (See #7)

9)      What is mine, is mine.  If I wanted to share my lunch or snacks, I would have brought enough for everyone.

10)   If I wanted your opinion, I would ask for it.



 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...