Things to be happy about today!

1.       It’s Friday, sun is shining and the sky is blue!

2.       Good health

3.       Family

4.       Roof over the head, full tummy, and a job that pays the bills

5.       Good friends that make me smile, even when I don’t hear from them as often as I’d like

6.       Reconnecting with friends from long ago and feeling like we never lost touch with each other at all

7.       Fitting in to a smaller size of jeans

8.       Music

9.       The bosses are away (the mice will play!) J

10.   Completing a huge project before the weekend so I don’t have to look at it on Monday morning

11.   Massage scheduled (1.5 hr) for after work

12.   My yoga peeps – they always put a smile on my face!

13.   The lady at the coffee shop who puts an extra shot of espresso in my coffee and doesn’t charge me for it

14.   Sunroof on my 4Runner!  (Gonna be great cruising weather this weekend!)

15.   Freedom





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