Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm boring....

As much as I hate to admit it, I am.   Not boring in the sense that peeps fall asleep when they’re around me.   I mean, I’m a bundle of fun to be around, truly I am!  My LIFE is boring.  My daily routine consists of getting up at 4:45 am – 5:00am.  I get ready for work then go to work.  Depending on the day, I either 1) teach yoga or 2) workout at the gym.  Then, I go home, cook supper, clean up and prepare for the next day.

Nothing exciting ever happens to me. 

I don’t win anything when I buy a lottery ticket, I don’t get flowers delivered to me at work, I don’t travel to far exotic lands (or even travel further than 100 miles from home for that matter).  

I don’t get tattoos (other than the one I have – but I DO want more), I don’t color my hair pink, or pierce body parts that shouldn’t be pierced (not going to elaborate on that one!).

I don’t drink excessively (unless I’m staying at my sisters and we get in to the wine or in Reno sucking down Bloody Marys with my cousins).

I don’t do drugs, I don’t gamble (unless in Reno with my cousins or the occassional lottery ticket.)

 I don’t get off on fast cars, and I’m definitely not an adrenaline junkie.

My idea of a good time is yucking it up with good friends over a beer or two while chowing down on pizza or sucking air during a new routine my trainer gives me.  (I know, I’m weird and boring).

I like catching up with old friends through emails or FB and hear about the exciting lives that they lead. 

I love to rock out at concerts and feel the wind in my hair as I drive “just a litte” above the speed limit with the sun roof open and the music blaring.

I like to lay out in the sun and get a tan while sipping a cool, tall beverage while day dreaming of Steve Perry singing to me.

I love to paint my toenails funky colors like Breathtaking Breeze and Bahama Dreams.

I love to sing out loud in the shower and in the car and pretend that I’m a rockstar touring the world.

I like to stay up late during the weekends – just because I can and I love to make people laugh and help them feel special.

Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure my life is average ….and that is just a step up from boring. 

I don’t have it so bad afterall.

I can live with being average!  J

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