This will be posted on both blogs...
I had an interesting conversation with some of my students tonight before class started. We were talking about how hectic life is (becoming) and how stressful it is when "one more thing" gets added to the schedule.
I can appreciate this thought as I, too, often have to breath and take a step back to evaluate the important things (priorities) in life.
I'm going to address this as coming from the "female" point of view, as I do not have men currently enrolled in my classes. So men, please be patient. If you have thoughts on the subject, feel free to comment.
As women, we are the caregivers of our world. We make sure that everyone is fed, clothed, the laundry done, homework done, the household is running smoothly, and - in many cases - we work full time jobs outside of the home. We put others needs and wants before our own. We are often the first person up in the morning and the last to go to bed at night because, "I can do one more load of laundry" or "I need to get this 'one' thing done for tomorrow."
When it comes to scheduling time for ourselves however, we tend to put ourselves on the backburner until everyone else is "taken care of."
And when we do schedule in time for ourselves, whether it be yoga class, Pilates class, the gym, a massage, a manicure, etc., we oftentimes feel guilty for taking the time away from our other responsibilities or family.
It's a difficult tight rope that we walk everyday, and it is often stressful on us.
I often hear comments of "I didn't want to come tonight, but I sure feel better now that I have" as students are walking out the door.
Ladies, it is important that we take care of ourselves.
Our mental, emotional, and physical health is essential to our wellbeing and also to those that we "take care" of. How many times have you been sick with a cold or flu, and your family still looks to you to "take care of them"?
I understand the difficulties of finding the time for yourself as I have some of the same issues. But throughout the years I have come to learn a lot about myself. If I don't take care of myself, certainly my husband, family, friends or coworkers won't either. I am in charge of myself.
I urge you to find the time - it doesn't have to be much (15 minutes, 20 minutes, 1/2 hr or an hour) - to do something that you want to do for yourself. Exercise, read, cross stitch, have coffee with the girls, watch a movie, anything - just do something that brings the focus on to you. Then schedule it in so that everyone knows "this is your time." Everyone in my life pretty much knows that Tuesdays and Thursdays are Sherry's "yoga nights" and the "I'm Busy" sign is out and displayed proudly! ~S~
Think enough of yourself to put yourself first.
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