It made me smile...

Every once in a while someone says something to me that causes me to beam from ear to ear.   I was recently told that my blogs are a source of sunshine and laughter. 
Imagine that.  I wouldn't have thought that my writing about my every day trials and tribulations would be of interest  but it seems that I have been mistaken. 
I like writing, I always have.  My high school English teacher said I had a gift for words and encouraged me to pursue writing further.  I always thought she was slightly off-center, but maybe she was on to something.  I should have taken heed.
I've kept journals since high school.  Almost everything that has happened in my life has been written on those pages.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  
In times of great heartache, it was liberating to let it all out on to the paper and not worry about being judged about what I was feeling or thinking.    Words bring clarity and a sense of profound relief at being able to let it all go; put it all out there and let the chips fall where they may.
In times of great joy, words are a celebration of accomplishments, triumph, laughter and love.
Writing is enjoyment for me; the pleasure of seeing words come together to portray an event, an emotion, and the sense of being part of the bigger picture.  Words paint a picture in my mind and leave an impression in my heart. 
While my heart beats, I will always take comfort in words and paint a picture with them.


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