Happy Halloween

Goodness Gracious.....it's the time of year that the ghouls, goblins, and monsters come out and play their trickery on us poor unsuspecting folk.

I've always enjoyed fall - many of you know that by now (I keep saying it enough). With Autumn, comes the holidays of Halloween and Thanksgiving. Although Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite Holiday, Halloween holds a special place in my heart, mainly due to one person - my friend and coworker Bob Holzworth.

"Sniper Bob" - as he was affectionately known by his co-workers - LOVED Halloween. Bob started planning for this event months in advance. He scoured the thrift stores looking for the "perfect" costume to wear, decorations for his yard and his home, and material with which to build his "spooks." He was known to have decorated - and undecorated - his yard every night because he "didn't want vandals to destroy his handiwork". His Halloween parties (in celebration of his birthday also) are legendary to this day. He loved to laugh, to dance, to joke, and was a true delight to be around. You couldn't help but smile in his presence.

Bob was taken from us far too soon two years ago due to his fight with lung cancer.

I'm pretty sure that Bob, even though he is in a heavenly place now, may be celebrating his love of Halloween in his own particular fashion.

Happy Halloween My Friend.


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