This, too, shall pass....

.... I hope!

I look outside and I see the 16 inches of snow on the ground, and cringe! It's white, it's wet, it's moisture we don't need right now. I pray for my brother's home. I pray that what we did on Sunday is enough to protect the homes in Adrian.

There are all kinds of thoughts thrown out on an hourly basis: 1) There isn't that much water content in the snow 2) Snow is better than rain 3) I hope we don't get a fast warm-up 4) We haven't seen the last of it yet 5) Let's hope we have a traditional ND spring... 6) Shit!!!! (That's my personal favorite by the way!)

No matter which way you look at it, we've been in the grip of winter for 5 months now, and we're all tired of it. You can see the look of despair on any given pair of eyes. We're hearty souls and can take most anything thrown at us, but really...this is too much!

I'm here, once more, staying at my sister's house. She has been truly wonderful, yet again. I've spent more time at her home than I have my own. My hubster is trying desperately to get ready for calving season. I don't know where he's going to put the 400+ calves, as our calving pastures were pure mud BEFORE this last round of weather..... can't imagine that things have improved all that much. I didn't talk to him tonight, simply because I don't know that my psyche could take any more doom and gloom. He's doing the best he can do, I know that...I just need to have my mind in a better place in order to be supportive of him...and right now, I'm just a smidgen on the depressed side of things.

Blaine was over for supper tonight. We had a good ole German supper: Deer sausage, BBQ beans, and sauerkraut! Yum! Blaine wasn't shy at all and managed to eat himself silly. It's almost comical to watch him dive in to his plate of food. He works tomorrow at 7am to 3pm. Either Peg or I will get him to work. It's always fun to start the day out with a dose of Blainer! Ha! I've said it many can't have a bad day when he's around.

Sometimes I look at him and wonder what goes through his mind. What does he think - really think - about his job, his family, he life, future, etc. He gets frustrated and spouts off about things, and sometimes we (me, Peggy, and his parents) try to settle him down by diminishing the subject or offering him different points of view. But, isn't he entitled to his own opinion and thoughts? It's those times that I feel for him.....and want to say, "it's OK Blaine, you have a right to feel the way you feel" and just wrap him in my arms and give him the biggest hug that I can give him. I hope he knows how much I (we) love him and how the world is a much better place because he is in it.

I really don't have a whole lot of news to tell. I am saying prayers for all those battling water/flood conditions. For the rest of us, I pray for peace of mind and strength. Oh yeah....and SPRING!!!

Well, tomorrow is another day - a chance to make a fresh start of things. Pull myself up by the bootstraps and plaster a smile on my face and say (with as much heartfelt emotion as I can muster) "This, too, shall pass!."


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