Monday, Monday...

I made it through Monday! (Does happy dance here!).

I am typically alright with going to work on Mondays, but it seems that the longer the winter drags on, the less enthused I am about getting back in to the grind of another work week. I love my job, don't get me's just that sometimes the people wear a little bit on my nerves. The COS said, "remember, thick skin." To which I promptly replied, "Give me a break! It's Monday....I'll develop thick skin tomorrow!" He wasn't amused. For that matter, neither was I. (shrugs)

At least the sun is shining and it was a toasty 45 today! Rock on! I have spring fever sooooo bad right now. It is in sight! IF we can manage to escape any snowstorms or rainstorms in the next three weeks, I think we'll be home free! I am choosing to ignore the peeps that say that there is another major storm headed our direction. I want to know how the bleepin heck they can predict where it's going to land when it is still out in the ocean?? Nope...I'm stickin to my guns...Spring is Here!

Some interesting news - and a dilemma for one of my nieces. NDSU is playing KU on Friday. My niece Karen received her Masters from KU. Karen, Joan, AND Matt graduated from NDSU. Hmmmmm. ~L~ I texted Karen (yes! I KNOW HOW TO TEXT! Sheeeesh!) last night to see who she was going to cheer for. She replied, "me and Mom are going to cheer for KU, Joan and Matt are going for NDSU. You can cheer 1/2 and 1/2." Absolutely! GO ND/KU!! I spoke with Peg today and she said that she was taking Friday off to watch the game. I KNOW better than to call her, stop over, or even attempt to interrupt her during a KU game - let alone one that has KU and ND playing each other. Nope, I'm sitting this one out and will check the score from the safety of my work cubicle! :-)

Roads are pretty crappy around here. I'm perpetually locked in to 4-wheel drive. That's okay though. I'll take mud over snowstorms any day! T isn't so happy though. We start the calving season in a few weeks and we have nowhere for the little guys to land. He's spent the last three days shoveling out two of our calving pastures hoping that they'll be dry enough for the mothers to drop their calves on dry ground rather than in a slop hole. You always have to worry about pneumonia, scours, etc. when it's this wet and damp outside. Every year it gets tougher and tougher.

My brother is in Germany for two weeks. Before he left he sent me pictures of where he lives with the caption "this snow + heat= flood." Yikes. I woke up this morning to the news that this area was in a flood alert. I told him to tell my sister-in-law that if she needs me for sandbagging, to call me asap!

Well, no other news....I made it through a Monday. Life is good! ~L~

Catch up with you all later on.


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