When To Give Up

We all have that job, friendship, relationship that is a struggle.  We give it everything we have, pour our soul in to it to make it work. Heartaches, miscommunications, doubt, trust, respect, are ebb and flow.  Nothing is 100% perfect at all times.  The best we can hope for is 50/50 most of the time.  But when do you know when to throw in the towel and walk away?  

Is it the tears?  The constant battle of trust/mistrust, valued versus disrespected?

At what point do you accept that the friendship/relationship/job is flawed....recognize it for what it is ...and just deal with it.  I mean, once you know what (who) you're dealing with, you can handle everything....right?
In theory....yes...but we all hit a breaking point.  We try and deal with a boss or supervisor that just.does.not.get it!  They're bi-polar, inconsistent, narcissistic and would rather berate you than to give acknowledgement. 

 Or the longtime friend that is constantly sucking the life from you ...constantly telling you their woes...and gives you nothing in return when you're in a time of need.

Perhaps its a spouse or significant other that doesn't participate in the relationship (monetary, domestic or emotional)

At what point...do you say...Enough?


Rob said…
"When To Give Up"

It's after you've objectively and dispassionately (perhaps using a piece of paper, rather than trying to think about it) listed all the pros and cons about a situation that is on your mind. I've done this a number of times over the years - left a toxic job ( for a more fulfilling one), left a toxic acquaintance (who proved to not be really a friend), avoided a toxic relative (whose problems and/or issues I did not want to get involved with), and so on and so on - you get the picture, I hope.

Bottom line - usually you can't change others but hopefully you always have the power to change your own situation and how you have to relate to others. You just have to make up you mind.

Not easy to do but ultimately your only and best course of action available. Good luck and remember my motto.
Sherry said…
Thank you Rob. Today was not a stellar day for me. There are far more questions roaming around in my anxiety riddled brain than I would like. I am not in the depths of despair by any means, but must admit I do have some toxic relationships in my life that are taking their toll on my well being. I'll be putting pen to paper for those pros and cons...although I amalready aware of the outcome to those lists. In your words, "I just need to make up my mind".

Thank you for listening :)
Rob said…
Your most welcome, my friend. Usually, I'm puttering (working?) on my computer so I'm "close by" (virtually) should you ever feel like discussing anything with me. I don't always have the "pat answers" to things but I'm a good "listener" and can perhaps give you some objective feedback, should you wish for some. Don't let those toxic relationships "rent out your mind" too long. Enjoyable life is too short to waste on such stuff.

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