Two-way Street
So maybe I am a bit neurotic. Some may call me demanding, scared, controlling. Pick an adjective and more than likely my name has been linked to it at some point in time. I don't mind. I normally dont give a flying F what people think of me, at least those on my outer radar or circle.
What I do mind is lack of respect through lack of communication; or more accurately, the lack of communication.
In today's society, there is a plethora of communication avenues, more than there have ever been. Yet, we seem so disconnected. I don't expect a lot from people. Quite frankly, I've lowered my expectations so much so that I'm rarely surprised or disappointed by others actions. By the way, how sad is that?
But is acknowledgement too much to ask?
If I send a text wishing someone a good day, I would hope that I'm worth the 10 seconds it takes to respond with a simple "thank you " "you too" or the very least a smiley emoji.
What really frosts my flakes is repeated ghosting or non responses to my text messages, calls or emails. I dont get all up in people's business (it's not my style). But if I am taking the time out of my day to share something with someone, the very Ieast the other person can do is respond. And when the words "I was busy," are uttered, my brain hears you aren't important".
When social invitations that are extended are not accepted or reciprocated, generally those invitations become less and less, then they become nonexistent; So be it with unacknowledged calls, texts or emails.
Communication is a two way street, not a one way.
Today many of us are so wrapped up in our own petty little lives, consumed by so many events happening around us (work, pandemics, politics, poverty, crime, health issues, climate issues, you name it...) that we often no longer take enough time and care to properly maintain our relationships with others, whether they be family, close friends or even just casual acquaintances.
And all of the above reflects in how various societies in the world today treat each other, both on a macro level as well as individually.
What it really boils down to is that all we can do is manage our own actions towards others, showing consideration, respect and attentiveness. We can't often control others and how they act (deliberately or subconsciously) towards ourselves. All we can do is control the way that we let their actions affect us.
If someone's actions towards me are not to my liking or expectations I tend to adjust my views of that person accordingly, don't dwell or "give a flying F" (as you so correctly phrase it) and just move on with life - regardless of who they are to me, unless of course they change and regain my respect.
Life's too short to let others negatively control my feelings over all the "small stuff" out there.
I do agree that even with all the avenues of communication, we have become an isolated society. I remember receiving weekly letters from my parents while attending college, or sitting on the phone with my best friend for hours. We made the time to connect. Now, not so much. I realize that I have fallen down on the communication train at times too. We can all do better.