Saturday, September 26, 2015

Ebb and Flow

In this world, the only constant is that things are always changing.  Relationships, friends, body weight, doesn't matter what it is, everything changes on a daily basis.

I went to the funeral of a friend yesterday.  I drove, and two of my best friends (circle of) rode with me.  We were discussing the loss of Char in our world.  Vickie stated, "when we lose someone from our life, it makes room for someone else to walk in".  She went on to elaborate on something I've believed all along.  Everyone is in our life for a purpose..either to teach us something, or us teaching them.  Sometimes people move in and out of our lives quickly, sometimes slowly or not at all (our life walkers). 

Regardless, our life is in a constant state of change.  Our purpose, and purpose of those in our lives, may not be known immediately to us...but there IS a purpose.  We can either resist or fight the constant change, or we can embrace our life people and the ebb and flow. 

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