
Showing posts from January, 2014


I love the questions people ask.  When they receive an unsatisfactory answer they're bound and determind to get it out of you. It's quite comical.  The less I say, the more they ask.  I know these people well.  They are less concerned about my welfare and more focused on a juicy piece of gossip that can be spread about until eventually any residue of truth is lost with each telling. I saw a quote recently that amused me. "Better to hear it from the horses mouth than from some jackass spreading rumors and gossip." How true is that?! If you're part of my circle of "besties" you will hear from me.  If you want to know something,  ask me.  If I want you to know I will tell you.  That simple. Next time someone with questionable motives asks me a question I choose not to answer, they'll get a smile and. "Why do you want to know?


It's 7:39 am and I see a hint of dawn on the horizon.   There IS hope that Spring is approaching!

My FitBit

So I asked for, and received, for Christmas....a Fit Bit.   What is a Fit bit?   It this little piece of technology that you wear on your body - in my case, my wrist - that measures the amount of activity that you do on a daily basis.   The idea is to register 10,000 steps  - which supposedly is equivalent to 5 miles. I've been wanting one for some time now.   So I was excited to strap it on my wrist and see just how much activity I get each day.  Surely , between the gym and my yoga classes, I hit that 10,000 step goal each and every day. Not!  I was amazed at how little activity I get daily.  Most of days I average between 7500 - 8500 steps.  I have a desk job and I try consciously to get off my chair at least once or twice an hour just to break up the monotony of what I'm doing and to stretch out my body.  But at the end of an 8 hour work day I'm lucky if I have 3000 steps.  Thank goodness for yoga and...


I'm amazed at how judgemental or intolerant society has become.  We're quick to bring the gavel down on a person simply because they are different.  Negativity is abundant everywhere you look.  Is it a wonder we feel defeated before we get out of bed and start our day. Just once I'd like to hear praise instead of cutting words or judgement.   No one is perfect and if you think you are, ask someone.  They'll be all too happy to inform you of your shortcomings.  Signed, Tired in ND

Sometimes All You Need To Do is Bust a Move!

Sometimes all you need is a night out with friends to shake the funk.   Last night was the annual JRCC Holiday Party - this year hosted by B shift as it was their days off.    I  had mixed emotions about going (some days I wanted it and other days I didn't want to go) because of the funk that I've been in lately.   But I donned my Sioux hockey jersey and made my way to the KC Hall at 430 to meet with my friends Vickie and Donna for a pre- party drink.   I made the right decision in going as those two women - each representing a very important part of my "bestie" circle of friends - made me feel better immediately.   Their hugs, smiles and laughter lifted my spirits and made me forget about my funk.   As others arrived that feeling of buoyancy intensified.  Drinks were shared, laughter was abundant, the joy of friendship was evident.  I was able to give hugs to Holly, who has spent the last 9 months ba...

Post Holiday Yucks

I do not know why but I have a case of the yucks.  No, that's not true.  I DO know why I have the yucks.   The holidays are over, the winter is 40 days long (since our first snow) and it's been brutally cold, I've been sick with a monumental cold since Christmas, hubs has been very sick.  And I have friends going through some dark times in their lives (and my heart aches for them).  Oh, and it's tax season.    All perfectly good reasons to put me in this funk that I'm in.   I literally haven't been eating for a couple of days because my stomach is upset.  When I do eat, nothing tastes good.  Have to admit, that's not a bad thing when it comes to the scale.  (Those holiday pounds are now gone).   I try hard not to slide in to a slump but this time of year always gets to me; I struggle every year.  This depression or SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) sucks.  And I'm not alone. I have a friend...

Deep Freeze

The temperature is -17 degrees with a windchill of -47.  Nice.  The wind is howling across the prairie and all I can think of is, I want to live in Bora Bora! Not realistic, I know, but it sure gives me warmth just thinking about it - and on a day like today, any type of warmth is welcomed! So far today I've: breaded/browned  goose legs and put them in the crock pot with a cream sauce cleaned the bathroom - more like disinfected everything that the cold germ can live on made caramel rolls swept the kitchen floor, vacuumed and dusted (I hate dusting) set the coffee maker for tomorrow packed my yoga bag for tomorrow (1st class of 2014!) done three loads of laundry, folded and put away What I still need to do: update my yoga blog pack my lunch for tomorrow put my yoga stuff back in my vehicle I definitely have more energy than I did last weekend when I was down and out.  I'm still at 70% of my normal me but trying hard not to push it too hard.  I d...