Remember me??

Oh my gosh!  It's been sooooo long since I've actually had the time to sit down and do a post to Happy Hour.  Please forgive me!

It seems that I've been going non-stop for a month.  Well, come to think of it...I HAVE been going non-stop for a month.  Every weekend in October I had something going.  And of course, it's I was in the thick of things each and every weekend.   I like to be kept  busy (big surprise huh?!) LOL

The Schulz Oktoberfest was held on October 20th and boy was it fun! We had good food (always), lots of drink (duh!) and wonderful family. We were missing Dennis (SD), Wendi (WA), Glenn (ND) and Michael (ND) this year. We always have such a great time during this event. Here are some pictures..
 My great nephew Hayden and his father, Brad
 My guy Blaine and me!
 Abby, Emily, Brackston and Brennon
 The Schulz Boys
 Blaine and his Aunts (yes, he has us twisted around his little finger!)
The Schulz Siblings! 
Terry, Sherry, Ron, Peggy, Pat, Judy
Some of you may be asking, how is the running going?   Hmmm, it's not!  At least, not for now.  I need to heal my IT Band Syndrome (I'm in physical therapy for it now!).  I do plan on getting back to it and I've already told my running mentor (ok, "asked" is the better word), to help me develope a training plan to get back on track.   He basically said, "take it slow" and then in the next sentence mentioned something about a "new goal" and "10K" .   Geeezzzz!!   :)
I held my 2nd annual Yoga Retreat this weekend!  Wow was it fun!!  I had a good turnout and we had a lot of fun.  We ate food, we drank wine, we talked, and of course, we did some yoga!   Yesterday afternoon's class was a power yoga class and we worked up quite a sweat.  It was all good one passed out!  lol
So...that's about it in a nutshell.  Same ole, same, being busy and loving it! 


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