I am blessed
As I sit and reflect on my life, I realize how incredibly lucky I am.
There are days that life seems to be a complete struggle. You know the ones; those days where you get screamed at by ungrateful shrew on the other end of the phone, a co-worker that has a chip on their shoulder and is unrelenting in their vision of the world, or the unpleasant store clerk who would rather shoot you than help you.
Then there are days when you realize that everything that may cause a hiccup in the day - is just that, a hiccup. In the grand scheme of life, those small things are insignificant.
I hear of others in our community (and the nation) going through hardship and I look at my life and count my blessings.
Those blessings help me to get through the difficult phone call, deal with difficult or unyielding staff, smile at an unpleasant clerk at a store, or hold my tongue when a family member hurts my feelings.
My Father used to say, "the grain crop was good, the cows are producing milk, the chickens are laying eggs, we have a roof over our head, food to eat, and our health. What more is there."