Every once in a while...

I just have to laugh.    I was at the gym last night sweating my bootie off.   After sucking air on my last pass on the treadmill, I decided it was time I'd had enough.  
While I was putting on my sweatshirt and bundling up to keep that "post workout heat" going in the frigid temperatures, a gentleman that I've seen (but have no clue what his name is) through the gym circuit for a couple of years was getting ready to head out the doors as well. 
He was lamenting the fact that he'd just left warmer temperatures to "come back to this!"   A group of us were gathered around the door and were laughing that this was just the start of it and he should "suck it up and deal with it."  
 He just laughed, reached in to his bag and drew out a fresh mandarin orange and tossed it to me. 
 He proceeded to say, "try that on for size....I have an orchard full of them; beats anything you get in a can."  
As I'm thanking him, he laughs and says, "Know what's the meanest thing anyone can do to a person"?  
When I ask what that would be, he smiles and says, "Give someone just one fresh mandarin orange and tell them you have an orchard full of them and will be going there over the weekend." 
Everyone lost it and nodded their heads.
Yep.... he got us!  ~LOL~  


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