Saturday, December 26, 2009

How I Spent Christmas

  1. Alone - except for my cat, Boris.  Hubster spent the day at main ranch and tended to the cattle.
  2. In a Blizzard.
  3. Talked to every one of my siblings and wished them and their families a Merry Christmas.
  4. Watched "Rachel Got Married" - a good movie about a dysfunctional family.  Love Ann Hathaway's work in this one.
  5. Had toast for Christmas dinner.  Splurged and put PB & J on top!  
  6. Did yoga.  Yeah!!! 
  7. Searched for friends - and found a few - on FB.  (Double cool).
  8. Chased Boris around the house.
  9. Talked with various people on the phone, like good friend Becky and mother-in-law Ella.
  10. Took a hot, leisurely bath and shaved my legs (ok, too much information I know, but it's what I did!).
  11. Searched for fun and unusual sights on the internet.  Didn't find anything that tripped my trigger.
  12. Read other people's blogs.  There is some hilarious stuff out there. (Blase, keep writing hon!)
  13. Did my nails.
  14. Thought about doing some bookwork....then stopped that thought right quick - it was Christmas for heavensake!
  15. Paced between the frontroom window and kitchen window hourly trying to decide how much snow we were getting and if was any worse out from the last time I made the trip.
  16. Checked often to make sure that yes, we were STILL in a Blizzard. 
  17. Made some popcorn and hotchocolate - cuz that's what you do in a Blizzard when stormed in at home, alone.
  18. Alphabetized my cd collection by artist and title. 
  19. Searched for some books I want to order.
  20. Fell asleep thankful that everyone I love was safe.

1 comment:

Haddock said...

Thats happy and sad. . . . . .

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...