Friday, September 4, 2009

Let the Fun Begin!

I'm cheating, I just posted this on my yoga blog.....  thought I'd kill two birds with one post! ~LOL~

Good morning everyone!  I don't know about all of you, but I'm supper pumped that 1) it is Friday 2) it's JEANS Friday 3) it's the start to the long weekend 4) it's going to be gorgeous weather!   Rock on!   ~L~
Ok, I just finished eating 1/2 of a peanut butter chocolate pastry and I'm on a little bit of a sugar rush - but gosh darnit, I'm just so excited I can hardly contain myself ~LOL~ 
Seriously, I hope everyone is as excited about the weekend as I am at this moment. 
I don't have tons of plans for this weekend other than to hit the gym every day (we'll see if I follow through on that), do yoga every morning (I know I won't have a problem with this one), do a little "light" housework, catch up on posting on the blogs, bookwork/advertising projects, and find time in there to watch a movie or read a book, and catch up with friends.   No plans whatsoever! ~L~
Fall is definitely in the air these days.  The trees are turning beautiful colors, the nights turn cool as soon as the sun goes down (great sleeping weather if the windows are open) and harvesting of crops is getting in to full pace now even although it is later this year than normal. 
For those of you who do not know it, fall is my absolute favorite time of year!!!  I could live with this weather all year long actually.   One of my ultimate goals is to visit the New England states during the height of the fall colour season.  I think it would be spectacular.  They have bus tours going every year and one of these years I'll be on one of them.  Even though they are technically "Senior Citizen" tours, I think I'd have loads of fun.  Seniors are a riot!   And, I figure I could earn some spending money by carrying their luggage for them and dispensing medications! ~chuckles~
Anywho - you all have a great day and Labor Day holiday weekend! 

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