Although it is Friday, this one is having a bit of anxiety over all of the things on my plate over the next 24 hours!
Somehow, and I don't know how this happened, I was talked in to participating in a "dusk to dawn" whiffle ball tournament! A co-worker (and one of the townspeople where this event is being held) sweet talked me in to coming down to play on one of the "teams" from our facility. I agreed reluctantly by saying, "OK, but I have to be home by 12pm - I have a yoga event to prepare for." He seemed happy with that! He informed me that he wasn't out to win - but to drink beer- and we could very well be done by 10pm! LOL
He and his wife are having a little cookout before hand in appreciation to the people who helped them move furniture during the "flood." I won't be able to attend that as I have a training session with Levi tonight and I know he's gonna put me through my paces. Wednesday night he had me doing some different things that really targeted my core; getting out of bed on Thursday was a challenge, let me tell you! But that is alright, I'm challenging myself and I can see major league results in endurance and strength.
I already informed my brother that I may - or may not - camp out on his deck tonight (in a lawn chair) if I get 1) too tired to drive home OR 2) a little "happy" with the bubbly (not that I plan on getting inebriated, mind you....but one needs alternative plans just in case.). Hubs just laughed at me and said "do what you got to do." He's so use to me coming up with these hair brain things that it doesn't phase him anymore - or at least if it does, he isn't saying anything. ~L~
Tomorrow is another huge day. My free community yoga event is on deck and I need to have all of my ducks in a row for that one. I will be running around today during lunch to pick items up in preparation for the event (as I won't have time to do it after work). I do not know what to expect tomorrow. It could be 1 person or 50 (which is optimistic - but hey! I'm a glass 1/2 full type of gal). :-)
So, the whirlwind begins and my crazy life -as I know it -continues!
I'm hoping I can unwind on Sunday afternoon and catch up with friends and relax.
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