I try to live each day as a new beginning and don't wait for the new year to change things. I don't make resolutions for drastic changes.  I hold firm with the belief that we should make each day better than the day before.  That said, there is always room for improvement in any aspect of life.  We are, after all, a work in progress, right? 

The holidays were pretty great.  Tom and I hosted my sister and her family on Christmas Eve. Christmas Day, we hosted our nephew Robert, his daughters and their mother.  New Years Eve was another family gathering with Robert.  We ate, drank, laughed and genuinely enjoyed our time together.  That's what it's about; celebrating and being with family.  

What have I been up to?  Work, gym, home. Pretty boring.  But you know what?  The older I get, that is absolutely the way I want it.  I have no desire for drama or trauma in my life.  I like being in my cozy warm home watching a movie, reading a book or enjoying a glass of wine.  I was just telling someone the other day that normally January is a tough month for me with Seasonal Affective Disorder.  But this year I seem to be doing well and optimistic that I will continue to do so.  I've been doing a lot of meditation, journaling and am aware when my mood tanks. Also, the combination of upping my vitamin D and daily exercise helps tremendously. 

The picture below is of Tom and I in West Virginia.   Robert, Tom and I went to visit Tom's brother (and Robert's father), Doug.  It's one or the rare pictures that Tom is actually smiling. Definitely worth sharing!

Happy New Year!  May it be one filled with good health, love, family and friends.!


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