Sunday, June 4, 2023

Today was a movement day and it felt great!  For once my body was firing on all cylinders (I think that's a car reference to running great!) Lol.  

I was up at 6 am (couldn't sleep in if my life depended on it!), had some coffee on my patio, read a little bit then decided I needed to move.  My trusted two-wheeled steed and I headed out before it got too hot and did a short ride of 5 miles.  It was just enough to get the blood pumping and legs moving.  I could've stayed out all day but had plans for today.  More movement!   I did a build class at 11am and a base class at 12pm  followed by teaching Yoga at 1pm and teaching a recovery and relaxation class at 2pm.  I feel energized and accomplished!  I have a philosophy of "use it or lose it"...and while I can still use it, I'm going to.  I don't know what tomorrow brings, so I'm doing what I can today.   

The yoga student who suffered a tragic fall (TBI and subderal hematoma) in my class 6 weeks ago (she passed out and fell backwards 😢) came to the recovery and relaxation class today.  It sure was good to see her back!  She is still experiencing dizziness so doing Yoga is still out of the question for now.  Regardless, it did my heart good to see her in front of me. 

It's 1530 and I'm outside relaxing on my patio.  The sky is cloudy, it's 87 and thunder rolls all around me; it's rather calming.  I should take advantage of the post gym energy, but maybe I'll just relax and enjoy the sights and sounds of the brewing storms; they carry their own magic and energy.


Rob said...

From what I read it looks like you've had a busy day today, lady! Good for you. I totally agree with your "use it or lose it" attitude. Keep up the good work. I must say that you're looking quite healthy, energetic and pleased with yourself in that pic that you've posted :-)

The weather here has been pretty hot for the last several days (80-90F), with little rain expected. I don't know if climate change is going to affect our summer here this year but it already has manifested itself in some of our western provinces and now also in one of our eastern maritime provinces with forest fires. It's great that our country's forest fire fighters are getting international help from the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. Canada has agreements to share firefighters with six other countries -- the United States, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Mexico and Costa Rica. For 9 months (2019-2020) Australia experienced many forest fires (mostly caused by lightning) so I guess this year it's Canada's turn for some hot times.

But, as they say - this too shall pass ...

Sherry said...

Rob, I've been hearing about your extreme heat and those forest fires. I fear that global warming is indeed taking this Continent in it's is hot everywhere. The heat we are experiencing now is generally experienced in late July or early August. I love it warm, given alour cold winters, but not everyone can tolerate the heat or the dry conditions -especially those in fire regions, farmers, etc. Hope you and yours have a great Monday and week ahead. Take care!

Rob said...

Thanks Sherry. Truth be told, like yourself I too much prefer warm (or even hot) weather any time over cold winter days. Have a great week ahead yourself.

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...