There are people that will keep you close and in their pocket to gain knowledge and ask favors of you when it's to their benefit. But ohhh, you're hard pressed to obtain info or ask for a favor from them. QuidProQuo is a one way street with them and it's in your direction.They'll sell you out in a heartbeat or throw you under the bus in order to shine like a rose.
The Narcicist is my personal favorite. No matter the conversation, the topic always turns back to they could've (did or can) do it better than anyone can possible imagine. If it's not their idea, why even bother. It's all about them and they'll inform you of that every chance they can.
The Dictator....not much to say here. They're the micromanager and the control freak. You literally cannot move without permission to do so.
The Pleaser or Goldenchild, they will do everything in their power to shine brightly like a diamond. They'll jump and ask you how high.
The Manipulator.This one is like a bit tricky. They'll work their asses off when they feel like it....or they don't. No happy medium here. They spend more time trying to get out of work than actually doing it.
And please don't get me started on cellphone usage. Doesn't anyone have work ethics and integrity anymore?
In reading all your descriptions of "disturbed" people, Sherry, me-thinks that you been exposed to too much of "Trump" over time. Just saying ... :-)
Ugggh...Trump...that's another rant! Don't get me started on that one. My father used to say "if you can't fix it, move on." Well, I'd prefer some of the aforementioned people 'move in out' of my world! 😆
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