The Next Step

I just finished my 8th annual, and last, yoga retreat at the Lakeview Meadow Cabins here in Jamestown.  Thirteen beautiful souls attended my retreat this year.   We had a great time of yoga, food, drink, laughter, and plenty of tears.

I've been doing yoga for 16 years, and teaching for 12 years.   I've thoroughly enjoyed teaching all of those 12 years, helping students begin their own yoga path.  I'd like to think that I was the inspiration for two of them to move forward in their yoga path and become teachers.   

But with every beginning, there is an ending...and a new beginning.  

It was with a heavy heart that I made the announcement to the retreat attendees yesterday that Saturday May 19th would be my last class in my studio.   I could not hold back the emotion and the tears flowed.   My heart was sad. 

I've built my business organically and through word of mouth.  I've taught two classes, two nights a week and Saturday mornings for the last 12 years.  I've looked forward to seeing my students, hearing about their trial and tribulations, working through life together on the yoga mat.   In truth, they've all helped me more than I've helped them.   

But there comes a time when one knows that you just need to take the next step in your life journey.   The Universe has sent me some signs that I cannot ignore any longer.  I do not know what is in store for me, but I believe I'm meant to clear my plate for something headed in my direction.  I can only have faith and Believe that all is as it supposed to be.

While I will miss my students, I look forward to more free time. Although knowing me, I'll probably fill it up with something -family time, more gym time, bike riding, maybe I'll be the student and take some classes at Anytime Fitness.   I'm not one to just sit around, so I'm sure I'll find something to occupy that free time.

And to clear this up - I'm not quitting yoga.  I'll still be teaching two yoga classes per week at Anytime Fitness. Plus, I'll keep doing my home yoga practice. 

I'm looking forward to my next step in life


Rob said…
Life is always about change, isn't it?
Good luck in your next chapter, Sherry.
Sherry said…
Thank you, Rob. I'm looking forward to a little down time this summer. I have books to read, bike trails to ride and wine to drink! :)

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