Sunday Evening

I'm encased in my wooly socks and comfy sweatpants and chillin out.  This coming week is a going to be a cold one with single digits for highs and breezy conditions, which will contribute to the wind chills. !  The older I get, (not that I'm old!) the more difficult time I have assimilating myself to the cold.  Dressing in layers will be a necessity - and hugging up to heaters as often as possible.  

I have a dentist appointment Wednesday to place a temporary crown on a tooth I broke a week ago.  I'm not thrilled that it'll be $500 out of my pocket at Christmas time, but it could worse.  I could have been a root canal and a crown.  (Twisting negative in to a positive, right?)
Tonight's writing is short and sweet.   My focus isn't on anything in particular and everything in general.  So rather than ramble on about nothing - or everything - I'm going to close it down for tonight. 
May all the blog stalkers have a great evening. 


Rob said…
Dentist appointment, eh? Well, as coincidence would have it, I too am scheduled to see my dentist on Tuesday, but just for a cleaning - cost: $200. However, my company's dental coverage covers it 100% so I'm good. :-)

Snow and cold weather here too. (yuck!)

Have a great evening yourself.

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