Thursday, December 15, 2016

All Staff

Today our facility held it's All Staff meetings, or Warden's meeting.  There was a lot of energy around, and certainly a lot of people in my office as well.  We're also going through a PREA audit, so there's the added energy of that as well.
The food service department provided a meal of chicken tortilla soup and walking tacos for the staff.  It was yummilicious!  I'm trying to keep a handle on my weight and not see any more lbs. hit the scale, but I couldn't help having a little extra soup. 
One of my best friends, Vickie, received her 25 year award.  I'm so happy for her.  She's a dedicated lady and takes her work very seriously;  many people can take lessons from her.   She has hit her Rule of 85 (years of service + age), so I suspect that she'll be retiring in the near future.  When she does, they will be hard pressed to find someone to fill her shoes.  
Several other staff received their 15 year awards.  I'm on my 18th year, so I remember when they all started.  It's nice to see them advance in their careers, or anyone for that matter.  It takes a strong individual to work where we work.  Many staff don't make it past 1 year, 3 or when you hit the 10 or 15 mark, you're a "lifer."  (A little prison humor for you).
As for me, well, I guess I'm a lifer as well.  I'm in my 18th year,  I'm sure I'll be around to collect my 25 year award (that's 7 years away), and perhaps even my 30 year.  Who knows...if I win the lottery, all bets are off!
So to all my blog stalkers out there that are fellow co-workers, here's my message to you:   You are ALL amazing people with caring hearts.  The work you do each and every day is amazing, and you do not get the credit that you all deserve.  

1 comment:

Rob said...

"you do not get the credit that you all deserve"

And I would daresay that this applies equally to you, Sherry.

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...