
Showing posts from December, 2016

Preparations Have Started

I went from hosting nothing over Christmas to hosting both Christmas Eve (my sister Peggy and her family) and Christmas Day (Tom's nephew Robert and his family and potentially my brother Ron).  This all happened within a half hour last weekend.   Oh boy! Lol It's all good.  I've learned to roll with life and repeat my mantra on a daily, if not hourly,  basis, "I will handle every curveball thrown to me with grace and dignity". I'm looking forward to it.  I could never entertain more than 4 people out at the farm, as the house was so small.  I have more room here in town.  I'm also pleased that I can take some of the burden off my sister; I saw how tired she was when she hosted Thanksgiving. So after yoga classes this morning,  I will be hitting the grocery store with list in hand.  Today it's all about the food and beverages.  Tomorrow,  operation cooking and cleaning commences!

All Staff

Today our facility held it's All Staff meetings, or Warden's meeting.  There was a lot of energy around, and certainly a lot of people in my office as well.  We're also going through a PREA audit, so there's the added energy of that as well.   The food service department provided a meal of chicken tortilla soup and walking tacos for the staff.  It was yummilicious!  I'm trying to keep a handle on my weight and not see any more lbs. hit the scale, but I couldn't help having a little extra soup.    One of my best friends, Vickie, received her 25 year award.  I'm so happy for her.  She's a dedicated lady and takes her work very seriously;  many people can take lessons from her.   She has hit her Rule of 85 (years of service + age), so I suspect that she'll be retiring in the near future.  When she does, they will be hard pressed to find someone to fill her shoes.     Several other staff received th...


People do not realize their words can be 20 times sharper than surgical steel. More so to an individual with intellectual disabilities.  A few kind words or gesture can go a long way towards making them feel appreciated  and understood. But when a carelessly placed or misguided word thrown out to these individuals in jest (or is it?) wounds their soul, the results can be irreparable. It takes a very, very small person to slice someone down with words or even tone of voice.  Respect you because of your authority?  I think not.  Shame. On. You.

Sunday Evening

I'm encased in my wooly socks and comfy sweatpants and chillin out.  This coming week is a going to be a cold one with single digits for highs and breezy conditions, which will contribute to the wind chills. !  The older I get, (not that I'm old!) the more difficult time I have assimilating myself to the cold.  Dressing in layers will be a necessity - and hugging up to heaters as often as possible.   I have a dentist appointment Wednesday to place a temporary crown on a tooth I broke a week ago.  I'm not thrilled that it'll be $500 out of my pocket at Christmas time, but it could worse.  I could have been a root canal and a crown.  (Twisting negative in to a positive, right?)   Tonight's writing is short and sweet.   My focus isn't on anything in particular and everything in general.  So rather than ramble on about nothing - or everything - I'm going to close it down for tonight.    May all the ...


This is what's on my mind now: Tomorrow is Monday. The weekend wasn't long enough...never is. I did a good job decorating the house for Christmas (simple). I called my brother Ron to check in with him.  It was 3 weeks ago today that Pearl passed.  Seems like forever - and yet just like yesterday.  He's lost still, but coping. Had a great time with friends on Saturday night at The Arts Center play "Love Thy Neighbor". I didn't go outside today, not even to walk.  Shame on me. I fixed a good supper - too much food though.  We'll be eating meatballs and mashed potatoes for a few days. Just talked with Blaine - he's always a bright spot. I need to finish my Christmas shopping next weekend. I inadvertently upset a friend this morning by posting something to my Facebook page about parents needing to teach their children respect, through discipline.  I deleted the post.  Note to self: Keep my opinions to myself. I need to get...