Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Summer Heat

Surprise!!   Bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth, huh?  Well, blog stalkers...you can relax.  I'm alive!

The summer is in full swing and I'm trying very hard to enjoy as much of the sunshine and heat as I can.    It's been a different summer for me.  I live in town now - a huge, HUGE change for me.   For the most part, it's been good.   It takes me 7 minutes to get to work (if I obey the speed limits) and I'm able to spend more time with my friends. We've already had some wine parties at the house.  When the weather cools, there will be fire pit nights out on the patio. 

The biggest change for me has been the noise and lack of privacy.  In the country I could walk out on my deck buck nekkid and it didn't matter because no one could see me.  In town, not so much.   I have some very nosey neighbors who like to keep tabs on me.  That part pisses me off.   I'm a very private person and don't like anyone looking over my shoulder.  If I want then to know my business, I'd invite them in to my life.  

The other change is the bike riding.   I ride to the Pipestem occasionally.  Tto be honest, I do more road cycling now.   I ride alone now and I  don't trust myself riding on the trails alone.  If I get hurt, no one knows how to find me, with the exception of my former riding partner. So, I have been racking up the road miles quite a bit...and when I feel adventurous, I hit the trails.

The last year has been a tough one for me.  Any one reading this blog know that.  I feel like I've come out the other side a bit stronger.  I still have issues and I deal with the the best I can.   The main thing I have to remember is that everything happens for a reason, I don't have to have all the answers, and it is perfectly ok to just live in the moment and let shit happen....for good or for worse.

So yes, I'm enjoying the heat.  I enjoy the sunroof open, tunes cranked, wind in my hair and living life large - as much as I can.   I'm human, I have have feelings and emotions and I don't have to apologize to anyone for having them.  If they can't deal with me as I am, then they don't need to be in my inner circle.  Plain and simple! 

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