Manic Monday

I hit the ground this morning but I wasn't running.  I try to set a good mood for myself, but this morning it wasn't happening.

I may still be feeling the effects of my weekend or perhaps it's the mountain of work setting in my in basket that has me in a bit of a snit....either way, I have to put it in perspective and count my blessings I have a job to come too.

I have a lot on my plate the next couple of weeks.  I have the long anticipated, anxiety riddled move happening this weekend, correctional workers week activities next week, and artical to write for a publication,cemetery visitations, graduations, and a bridal shower (food) to plan.  Oye!

I'm a Virgo, classic, in that I make lists...Lots of lists...and procrastinate.  But given that I have so much to plan and do, I'm in full on "get er done" mode.  So much so that I'm a bit of a stress mode.

So this Manic Monday had me in its grips, but I'm trying hard to conquer it!


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