Although the numbers were smaller than had been anticipated and desired, the group of people that attended were absolutely wonderful. Many attended school and had gone by the time I arrived in 1980 - but that didn't make a difference. I made new friends and developed bonds that will be treasured for years to come.
We started out with a mixer at Tavern 94. I have never laughed so much in my life! Donna M., brought a tote bag full of photo albums and yearbooks for everyone to look through and that's when the questions started.
- "Oh, I remember him/her! Where is he/her now?"
- "Do you remember when we used to _____ ______ ___ (fill in the blanks)"?
- "Was I there when that happened?"
- "How come I don't remember when that happened?"
- "What year did you leave (were you in, out, etc.)?"
- "What is the name of the guy/girl that _____ _____ _____ (fill in the blanks)"?
- "Were you at the party when '_______' did '________'?
We ate and drank, laughed, reminisced and just enjoyed being together. We also discovered that we're not as young as we used to be. Times used to be we would close down the bar and then find a place to party till the wee hours of the day. That night we left at midnight and went to bed. LOL
Saturday found me and two of the fraternity brothers Duane and Dean taking a hike out to Old 26 crossing. Back "in the day", when a bunch of us would get together every summer for a campout, that is where we'd go. I don't know how many years we camped...10 maybe? We stopped when lives started getting busy; everyone going their own direction with work, careers, family. But while we were there, we planted a tree to signify our roots and our connection to each other. It is that tree that we were searching for. Since the site has been abandoned, it took us a while, be we did find it! (I think. LOL)
From there, on to City Park to greet the brothers and sisters in attendance and then Road Rally.
Times there, too, have changed. In years past, road rally was run started with everyone running down the Robertson Hill to their cars, heading out to the first clue and break-neck speed, often accompanied by alcohol or other substances. This particular road rally of far tamer. lol There was no running to the cars...walking was the order of the day, we all buckled our seatbelts, obeyed the speed limit and there was no spirits. lol. And as one of my team stated, "the clues seem hard...maybe it's because we're all sober!"
We finished the night at The Bridges, which was attached to my motel, so I didn't have too far to travel back to my room at midnight.
Tonight I'm in recovery mode - although I'm still drinking a Chelada..and enjoying the fact that I do not have to work tomorrow.
This is my Sisters jacket and next to the rose is my "Sweetheart pin"
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