Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Why Has It Been So Long?

I spoke to my cousin tonight.  He lives 30 miles away from me and yet I haven't seen him in a couple of years.  How sad is that?

We laughed, we took a trip down memory lane, and we choked back a few tears.  All the while we were talking, I was thinking, "Why has it been so long?"

I know life gets busy.  We all try and cram so much in to our busy lives that we don't seem to have a moment to think.  But, you'd think with modern technology, we would be better at keeping in touch.  We take our cell phones with us everywhere.  It only takes a minute to dial someones phone number and talk to them, just to say "hey, I was thinking about you."    It made my night to hear his voice and to hear the joy in it when he realized it was "his little cousin Sherry" on the other end of the line. 

I don't want it to be another couple of years before I see or talk to him again.  Family is family darnit, and I'm vowing to never let that bond die!

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