It's Fair Time!

I don't know why I still get positively giddy when it's time in Jamestown.  Think it has something to do with my parents.  Every year since I was old enough to remember, my parents would pack up us kids and we'd make our way to the fair...each and every night.  It didn't matter if dad was haying or what the weather was doing, we were going to the fair.  Rides, food, games, listening to music...we did it all.

My parents continued attending the fair almost up until the time dad passed away in '91.  Neither one of them could walk or walk well, so they used their handicapped parking permit to park between the 4-H building near the edge of the south midway.  Dad would walk to the Tom-Thumb Donut stand and bring back donuts to mom....her favorite.  :) 

Guess that's why I enjoy the Fair so much.  I'm almost 50 but still a kid at heart.  Some fond memories find their way in to heart every time I attend now.

Last night was Johhny Holm. He's been at the Fair for many, many years.  Though he's aged (haven't we all?), he still puts on one helluva show!  He had the older generation 75+ AND the younger generation rocking the joint.  Hot weather, cold beer, great music, fantastic friends....what more can you ask for?

Tonight is the Rodeo.  Hubster supports the Rodeo Association so every year we get tickets.   So, I'll be wearing my denim and sitting in the stands, watching all the cowboys and cowgirls find their perfect ride!

Pretty sure there's a corn dog with my name on it too.......maybe even a cold beer, or two!

Yes, it's Fair time...and I'm lovin it!


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