
Showing posts from July, 2012

Why Has It Been So Long?

I spoke to my cousin tonight.  He lives 30 miles away from me and yet I haven't seen him in a couple of years.  How sad is that? We laughed, we took a trip down memory lane, and we choked back a few tears.  All the while we were talking, I was thinking, " Why has it been so long?" I know life gets busy.  We all try and cram so much in to our busy lives that we don't seem to have a moment to think.  But, you'd think with modern technology, we would be better at keeping in touch.  We take our cell phones with us everywhere.  It only takes a minute to dial someones phone number and talk to them, just to say "hey, I was thinking about you."    It made my night to hear his voice and to hear the joy in it when he realized it was "his little cousin Sherry" on the other end of the line.  I don't want it to be another couple of years before I see or talk to him again.  Family is family darnit, and I'm vowing to never let that bond...


Have I mentioned that I don't like them?  Have I given reasons why?  NO?  Ok, here goes: 1) you have to end your weekend by waking up on a Monday 2) nothing ever goes right 3) everyone is crabby 4) it takes me until noon to get in the groove and focus 5) it's four days until the weekend 6) nothing good happens on Monday 7) pretty sure Monday is actually 32 hours long instead of the normal 24.  It goes on forever!! 8) nobody writes songs about Mondays.  Well, they did in the 60's but they were too strung out to realize that Monday's suck! 9) 10) Give me a minute...I'm sure I'll come up with good ones for #9 and  #10.  Although I really don't need's Monday for cryin out loud!!

Hot and Steamy

As much as I want these words to describe the latest trashy novel I am reading, I'm afraid it describes the weather forecast today. I'm a fan of warmer temperatures, but this is a bit much.  When I take a shower, towel dry and 10 minutes I'm as wet as when I stepped out of the shower, it's HOT!  So....todays advice.  Stay indoors,  hug the AC, hydrate (water NOT beer!) and say a prayer for those that have to work outside for a living...and all the animals too.

It's Fair Time!

I don't know why I still get positively giddy when it's time in Jamestown.  Think it has something to do with my parents.  Every year since I was old enough to remember, my parents would pack up us kids and we'd make our way to the fair...each and every night.  It didn't matter if dad was haying or what the weather was doing, we were going to the fair.  Rides, food, games, listening to music...we did it all. My parents continued attending the fair almost up until the time dad passed away in '91.  Neither one of them could walk or walk well, so they used their handicapped parking permit to park between the 4-H building near the edge of the south midway.  Dad would walk to the Tom-Thumb Donut stand and bring back donuts to mom....her favorite.  :)  Guess that's why I enjoy the Fair so much.  I'm almost 50 but still a kid at heart.  Some fond memories find their way in to heart every time I attend now. Last night was Johhny Holm. He's...

It's a test!

The highs are balanced by lows, the accomplishments complemented by defeats. It’s a game. It’s a test. It’s the way I live my life. -- gymjones I saw this on Twitter and I had to comment on it.  It seems that my daily life is a personal test.  Highs, lows, accomplishments, defeats.  I struggle ..but those struggles make me more determined.   I live life...I don't take defeat easily - and sure as hell don't sit on the sidelines.

I am...

a sister, an aunt, a wife, a lover, an in-law, a best friend, a friend, a cook, a housekeeper, a storekeeper, a business woman, an accountant, a secretary/assistant,  a gardener, a seamstress, a neighbor,  a co-worker, a yoga instructor, a trainee (exercise), a chauffer, a medical advisor/emt (of the minor variety), and I wonder why there aren't enough hours in a day or week to get everything accomplished that I need and/or want to do. I'm tired.

How to beat the heat!

Head to the theatre and watch Magic Mike!   Well, OK..maybe that created a bit more heat indoors, but it was an enjoyable heat, If you know what I mean! A couple of girlfriends and I went to the movie this afternoon to watch Channing Tatum and Matthew McConnaghy ( totally misspelled that, I'm sure ) strut their stuff across the big screen.  And strut they did!  Holy Cow!  Channing is one helluva dancer and did some moves that I'm sure will be copied on dance floors across America in the months to come.  Now Matthew, whose voice is a smooth as warm honey, was no slouch either. Totally worth it just to see him shirtless!  And yes, he totally rocked those chaps too! But, the whole idea wasn't just to see the movie, it was to have some time with my girlfriends.  Donna, Vickie, and was great to laugh it up with you and to hang out.  We will be doing it again...and soon!