Monday, January 2, 2012


I went to the gym bright and early this morning even when I wanted to sit in the recliner and sip my coffee.  Nope.  It's a brand new year and I am NOT going to sit in a chair and waste a perfectly good day when I could be burning off some calories.

I wore my heart rate monitor and it said I worked out for 1:09 minutes and burned off 511 calories!  Now, THAT was worth getting out of the recliner for.

I even spoke with Matt and Jaime (trainers) about entering the trainer's New Year challenge.  I get weighed and measured (oh joy! just what I want..a couple of 24 yr old men knowing my weight and BMI!), then we commence to training hard!    Because...not only do I stand the chance of winning a $100, but so does my trainer! (If we win that is!)  Talk about incentive for them/him too!!

Bring it on!

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