I posted this on my yoga blog tonight, but it resonated with me so much that I decided to post it here as well.
Most of you that know me, know that I take my physical fitness seriously. I'm a yoga instructor and need to keep my body in shape in order to give you, my clients, the type of yoga class that
you require.
In order for me to stay in shape, I not only do yoga (home practice, and with you in class), but I also work out at a local gym with a trainer.
I had a "total body" conditioning session with Jayme tonight. Seriously, he pushed me to the edge, then politely said "
yes ma'am" as he shoved me
over the edge. He darn near killed me!
(Ok, so I'm being a little dramatic here!).
What really happened?
He asked me to dig down deep inside me and find that competitive spirit, the one that says "I can do it!" It was tough. I was sweating gallons of water seemingly, and every muscle in my body ached and my lungs hurt. He kept asking me for "more...give me more Sherry!" I didn't think I HAD more to give him and he was starting to piss me off. Until he said these three words to me:
Believe in Yourself.
Wow. Powerful. He went on to say that if I didn't believe in myself, I was wasting my time, his time, and taking up space in the gym. It hit home. Of course, he wanted it to. He got inside my head, he figured me out.
My body wasn't
that tired....I've endured more abuse, I've been more winded, and my muscles have certainly been more tired.
It was my MIND that was preventing me from giving him (and me) 100%.
Now, you may be asking how this pertains to yoga, right?
"I can't do that," "my body doesn't like that," "It's too hard!," or "It's not for me" are all phrases that I've heard at one time or another. I get that. I've said all of those phrases myself at one point or another. Heck, I said a few of them just tonight.
But one has to wonder, is it really the body that doesn't like it, or the MIND?
Self-talk can be a very positive thing, or it can be a very negative thing. Our mind can talk us in to doing something....or not.
I don't teach punishing, grueling yoga classes. Those of you that have attended my classes know that I always, ALWAYS, teach honoring the body! What's my favorite phrase, "If it doesn't
feel good, don't do it!"
That being said, don't let your mind stop your body from experiencing the good stuff. Find your inner mojo and Believe in Yourself... you may surprise yourself with what you and your body can do.
I plan to do that myself. I thanked Jayme tonight and told him I'm a goal oriented woman. Next week he won't push me over the edge without me giving him a fight!