Fabulous Friday

I hope everyone is having a Fabulous Friday!!  I can tell you this – I haven’t met a Friday yet that I haven’t liked!  J 

Today I indulged in my “once in a while” guilty pleasure; a chocolate chip muffin!  Oh my gosh!  It was freshly baked and still warm.  Coupled with a piping hot cup of New England Blend Coffee, well let’s just say it was pure ambrosia!!  If truth be told, I only had ½ of the muffin as I didn’t want to sabotage my weight loss efforts too much. 

Yes folks, you heard correctly.  Once more, I am watching my weight…go up, and up, and up.  ~L~  Seems that when I give myself permission to eat on special occasions (such as my birthday), I go for the gusto!   Indulge in caramel rolls, pizza – with extra cheese – Mike’s Hard Lemonade (several of them!) and I find myself up 4lbs on the scale.  I know, what WAS I thinking!!!

So now I get to spend even MORE time at the gym than I normally have been and I’m now in “diet  purgatory!”  ~L~  Oh well, it’s all about choices and consequences, right?   

As usual, another busy weekend ahead of me.  I’m hoping I’ll find a little bit of downtime to finish up on some emails I’ve been working on, catch up on some bookwork, and maybe find a little time to snuggle up on the couch and read a good book! 




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