Techno Geek...
I am not! I really realized it today when I was discussing the fact that my Android phone loses it's battery power so quickly while at work. My friend, a "techie" says to me, "You need to get the AC adapter with the USB port on the end, then you can just plug it in to the USB port on your computer and let it charge all day." I was like, "Really? I didn't know they made one like that." He was like, "oh yeah, it works great." So I'm like.."Kewl...I'll save a copy of this text (yes, I DO text!) and take it to my phone store and pick one up. As I'm sitting at my desk ruminating over the text conversation, it dawns on me that I have an AC adapter. I go and get it...and imagine my surprise when I pulled off the end and discover....a USB port! I texted him back and said, "don't laugh at me! Promise??!!" then shared my discovery with him. He was nice (Thanks Brad!) and didn't laugh at me...(...