My 1st weekend home in weeks!

Yes, I FINALLY have a weekend home and nothing, absolutely NOTHING planned.  Yeah!!    Now, I’d like to say that I’m being productive on the home front – you know, cleaning, cooking, baking, being Suzy-homemaker and all that jazz.  Yeah….not so much! ~L~

Nope, I’m enjoying the afternoon and roaming around the house looking at all the projects that I should be tackling, then promptly sitting down at the computer to play on FB, download music, update blogs, or even search for new and interesting books to read for the winter days ahead.   Productive –schmuctive! ~L~  (That’s a new word!  You heard it here first!)

I’ve been living life with both guns blazing recently.  Do not get me wrong, I’m enjoying the hell out of it.  But every once in a while, a person needs a little downtime to rejuvenate the body and the spirit and prepare oneself for the days ahead. 

I have been cooking hubster some meals this weekend.  Trust me, that in of itself is an accomplishment.  We have a saying at my house, “when the smoke alarm goes off, supper is ready!”  ~LOL~  Ask him, he’ll verify it wholeheartedly!!  It’s not that I’m not a good cook, it’s just that when I cook I tend to do it like everything else in my life…hmmm…fast…~L~  I admire men who cook fabulous meals.  I know of two men in my life (friends) that do a lot of cooking in their households.  Not only do they do it, they seemingly ENJOY doing it too. Relaying how their rack of lamb turned out tender and juicy,  or the roasted chicken pasta primavera (from scratch, mind you!) was pure orgasmic. (I’ll never look at pasta primavera the same way again!)  You ROCK!!    Cooking isn’t my forte at all, but one must eat to survive and that pretty much says it all. 

Cleaning?  That’s an entirely different story.  Ok, maybe it’s similar in the fact that I do NOT enjoy doing that either. ~L~  I would much rather be out playing than inside doing mundane household chores like mucking out the kitty litter, folding unmentionables, and doing the dishes. But I also do not want the Department of Health to condemn my home! ~L~  I must say though, that while I AM doing some of those mundane chores, I have the music blaring (this IS me we’re talking about!) and I’m having absolutely wonderful daydreams about jetting off to Greece to explore the Mediterranean, Australia to see the Blue Mountains, or  even sitting on a ocean side beach watching the waves roll in to shore while watching the beautiful sunrise.  Then the dryer buzzer goes off and totally spoils the daydream!  Hrrrrrrmmmph!!

It’s not that I’m irresponsible or do not appreciate what I have, as some people would gather from this writing.  Trust me, I know what I have and I appreciate it every day!   It’s about me living life and wanting to experience so much  and not wanting to waste the life that I live on doing the mundane things.  (My critics would say that I need to grow up).   To each his own. I’m so past what others think of me.

My motto again?  Yes, that’s right, ”Life is too short!”  

So this weekend has  been totally about refueling my gas tanks for the upcoming weeks.  If I indulge in a few fantasies and daydreams along the way, so be it! It’s all about life people…and livin it good!


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