Another hectic weekend

Seems like I barely had time to catch my breath let alone sit down and send/return emails or update blogs.  But that is alright; once the frost/snow hits (perish the thought!) things will slow down a little and I’ll have more time.

The weekend in review:

1)      Staff Debriefing at The Buff.  Always a good time, for sure.  My good friend Becky and I were there but unfortunately we were the only ones that showed up.  No worries. As I was following her to her house to pick up some garden fresh zucchini, our good friend (and co-worker) Jerome was headed towards The Buff.    I returned to The Buff to have one more with him and catch up on what is going on in his life. It’s why we have these debriefings.  We work at the same facility but rarely get the time to chat and catch up with each other.  He’s sooo devoted to his granddaughter Taylor that his smile is beaming whenever he talks about her.   We both then headed to the main event. (see #2)

2)      Girls Gone Wine – at our good friend and co-worker Donna’s.   She moved in to a wonderfully beautiful apartment and was hosting a girls night out complete with wine and delicious treats.  Yes, I called her and asked her if it would be OK for Jerome to follow me up there! He wasn’t the only male there, luckily.  Another gals husband was there to surprise her.  I left there after an hour and headed home and make dinner for the hubster who wasn’t having a very good day at all.  Luckily I was able to cheer his spirits with a home cooked meal and my sparkling wit and humor!! J

3)      Saturday I seriously needed to clean house.  So I decided to stay home from the gym and clean and do the laundry thing.  Yuck!  Much more fun to go play, but responsibility prevailed.   Our good friends and neighbor’s daughter got married Saturday.  So, I had a date with my husband Saturday night and attended the wedding. She used to borrow my romance novels when she was younger.  I told her on Saturday that now has her own romance.   It was good to see the family celebrating, although it was bittersweet when the groomsmen stood at the front of the Church and  Matt’s spot was vacant in honor of his absence due to his accident and subsequent convalescence in the hospital.  Hubster had a great time catching up with childhood friends/neighbors and we both enjoyed a night out together. What a beautiful wedding it was. 

4)      Sunday.  What a blur!  Had my private yoga session, then stopped to see my sister as well as Joan and Karen before they headed back to Minneapolis.  Peggy is home from the hospital and had two of the best home health nurses available.  Then I spent the afternoon with Blaine.  Yes, another wonderful Sunday afternoon spent with the #2 man in my life.  He recently had new carpet and linoleum installed (thanks to the sewer backup a few weeks ago) and wanted is apartment “put back in order.”   Blaine’s trouble areas are time, task and money.  But let me tell you this; when he has something on his mind that he truly wants to happen, there is no stopping him! He organized a group of friends and me to come to his apartment yesterday to put it together.  He had a plan and was able to articulate AND implement it.   Now the only question I have is this:  WHY did I get stuck cleaning a bachelor’s bathroom??   Ewwwwwwww!  L  Next week?  Oh joy….the “kitchen needs some work Aunt Sherry.”  J J

5)      A co-worker is on vacation and has asked me to check at her house and feed her cats.  She has 4 of them.   So, on my way home from Blaine’s, I stopped to feed and water them, take in their mail, and water flowers.  The only problem was I was supposed to have 3 cats (the 4th had been taken to the Vet because it has diabetes and needs daily shots); only 2 showed themselves to me.  I was in a panic.  Oh my gosh!  I looked EVERYWHERE!!  NO cat.  How could I lose a cat when I hadn’t even been there yet over the weekend.  Then I thought, “it’s dead!”  Oh no!!!   Just as I was going to call Lynn and deliver the news, I looked up and there it was, peeking around the corner.  HUGE relief!!

6)      Home to cook supper.  I figured I needed some serous brownie points as I had been pretty much the absentee wife this past week.  I went the whole nine yards; baked chicken, REAL mashed potatoes, gravy (Ok, from a can because my homemade gravy turns out like soup.  But hey!  It’s the thought that counts, right?!), creamed cucumbers (thanks to neighbors and friends), grilled zucchini (thank you Becky!).  Yep…I think I won a few points back…J

7)      I was able to relax finally around 9pm last night.  Just enough time to recharge the batteries and prepare for another hectic week. 

There it is folks…my crazy life as I know it! 



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