Where does the time go?

We have already complete one week of March. Oh my goodness! Time has flown by so fast that I feel like I should buckle my seatbelt and hang on for the ride! 

I know that part of the problem is that I try and pack so many things in to my days.  I get up in the morning (typically between 4:45 and 5:15am - depending on when I need to be at work), and start checking off my "to do" list - but NOT until I've had my first cup of coffee.  Seriously!  The...MY...world does not start moving until I've had my morning cup of ambition!

Once I've shaken the cobwebs off with coffee and some yoga (yes, I still do a morning practice), then I hit the shower running and start thinking of everything that I need for the day: 
  • Is it a yoga day?  (then I need my yoga clothes, my briefcase, my music, my mat, etc).
  • Is it a gym day?  (then I need my gym clothes, my music, my water bottle, etc.)
  • Grocery day, K-Mart or Wal-Mart day?  Then I need the grocery list, or essentials list.
  • Do I have my day planner/calendar with me?  (As much as I hate to admit it, I'm lost without it!)
  • Oh yeah, and what am I gonna fix for supper??  (which is a whole category in of itself!)
  • Are my clothes ironed?  Is my favorite shirt still in the laundry? Where are my socks?
You get the picture, right?  Yes, I practice deep breathing at 5:30am in the morning!!

Once I have all of that figured out and the right bags, essentials sitting by the door, I get dressed, put on my war paint (that's makeup folks!), eat breakfast and I'm out the door. 

On the way to work, I crank up the tunes (gotta have music to start the day - it's almost as essential as coffee!) and start to think of the projects staring me in the face when I hit work. 

Now, Mondays suck!  I don't even try and sugar coat it anymore.  The BEST that I can hope for is that I can be left alone in my corner of the office and wallow in the misery of being back at work.  Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for my job and I DO love what I do, but I mourn the loss of my weekends!

Once at work, I start crossing things off as they come up, resist the urge to paste a "lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part" message to my email then watch the clock every 1/2 hour and wonder why it doesn't move any faster. 

Once 4:30pm hits, I'm off and running.  I hurry up and change clothes and head out the door to either the gym or my yoga classes. If I'm at the gym, I can zone out and listen to music while I work up a sweat.  It really is kind of relaxing in a quirky kind of way.  If I'm at yoga, all the cares and stress of the days just seems to leave the  minute I walk on to my mat.  It's odd - but I'm in a different frame of mind almost immediately - and it lasts until the last student walks out the door and I close down The Bunker.

Then the race is on once more.  Hurry home and fix supper for the hubs and me, do dishes, do any laundry that needs to be done, pick up the house a little (you never know when you get unexpected company), get my bags (gym or yoga) ready for the next day and start thinking about the next day as I fall into bed somewhere around 10:30pm at night....HOPING that I can fall asleep right away cuz I have to hurry up and sleep so I can get up and do it ALL over again in the morning. 

Now...for those of you who have children....  GOD BLESS YOU!!  I don't know how the heck you do it, but you have my respect and admiration......cuz I seriously do not know how I would fit a child in to a routine on a daily basis.  You all seem to manage though and I say "You ROCK!"  :-)

Needless to say by the time I get used to the work week, it's almost 1/2 over and the weekend is on the horizon!! 

Yeppers...life is good....gotta live it while you can.  :-)


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