What a wild week!

I tell you what, I'm glad that hummer of a week is over with.  I definitely got a workout and I didn't even need to go to the gym to get it. 

Laying sandbags at my brothers house on Tuesday and Wednesday pretty much took up all of my focus for the week.  But, we laid down 7000 bags and helped keep the river out of his house, which is a good thing.

The weather is cooperating also.  Right now the melt has slowed down due to colder temperatures.  Less snow melt means less water traveling towards my brothers house.  Yeah.  Of course, that which freezes must unthaw again - but I'm not thinking about that right now! ~L~ 

Aside from that, it's been an alright week.   I  had a massage with Jen on Friday night that helped to take the kinks out of my muscles (Thank you Jen!!!), had my final Saturday class at Tia Tanning on Saturday morning (Thank you Ladies!), and managed to hit the gym for a power workout also.  Man, did that feel good!!!

Unfortunately, reality set in when I stepped inside my house and realized I'd done nothing but a "lick and a promise" for housework in the last three weeks.  My bad!!  So, I commenced to cleaning and doing laundry.  NOT my ideal way to spend a Saturday afternoon, but that's what I get for playing!  I got everything accomplished though and felt good about it last night.

What am I doing today??   Bookwork and listening to Bon Jovi!For those of you who didn't see it, I attended the concert of Bon Jovi last week Saturday.  It was, without a doubt, the best concert I've ever attended.  They rocked the roof off the Dome for 2.5 hours!!  Not only is Jon a wonderful musician, but he leads by example in his humanitarion work and the messages he writes in to the lyrics of his songs.  Truely a wonderful man. 

What's on deck this upcoming week?  Yoga, yoga, and more yoga!  ~L~  Oh, and get this!  I'm taking part in a Chili Cookoff on Saturday from 11-2pm at the Mall!  Proceeds go to Meals on Wheels ($5 lets you sample all of the chili from participants!).   Guess I'll be cooking on Friday, huh......


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