Feeling My Age

Nope, not going to happen! In my mind, I’m 27 years old living in a 47 year old body.  (And guess what….my “life” age says that I’m actually 7 years younger than my calendar age!)  ROCK ON!!!!


Is that a good thing or a bad thing?  I consider it a good thing myself.  There was a time when 47 was considered old, but by today’s standards the 40’s are the new 30’s.  People are living longer and enjoying life to the “nth” degree.  


I had a conversation with a man named “Lee” the other night right before my yoga class.  A wonderful, insightful man in his later 70’s.   He said to me, “I’ve been active all my life, I don’t plan on stopping now.  I’m not one to sit in a rocking chair and watch life pass me by.”   Wow!  


My thoughts are that there will be plenty of time to be old later – when I can’t move out of a chair, I can’t feed myself, I can’t function without assistance.  And even then I plan on fighting age tooth and nail.  Never give up!  Because that is truly when age sets in.   I’ve heard of far too many people who retire at age 62, sit in a chair and relax, and then forget to get out of it. 


Not only is activity a key part of aging gracefully, learning and challenging the mind are an integral part as well.   Learn something new, meet new people, go somewhere you’ve never been before.  The phrase, “if you don’t use it, you lose it” really is appropriate. 


I’ve heard comments made, “she doesn’t act her age,” or “she thinks she’s young yet.”  Damn straight people!   If you don’t like it, tough!   Life can change in a heartbeat and tomorrow may never come.  So while I’m alive and kicking today, I’m going to live today as if I was 27 years old!  Life - It’s not a spectator sport people.  J


Have a thirst for life!  Live it!  Love it!  Experience it! 


OK, I’m off my soap box now! J












Sherry said…
Hear hear! I'm a 16 year old at heart.

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