Yes...I'm going away on a vacation! Holy cow, can you believe it?? My sister, brother, and sister-in-law are flying to Reno to meet with our California cousins for a fun filled weekend! I cannot wait. I'm excited to be there, but nervous to fly, it's been a while since I've flown or even graced an airport. Think they still push the plane donw the runway to get the propellars to work??? (grin).
Anywho, I'll be away from the blog until Tuesday - when I promise to relay all the fun details of the trip to you anxious peeps!!
Be well and have a early Happy Valentines Day!
Anywho, I'll be away from the blog until Tuesday - when I promise to relay all the fun details of the trip to you anxious peeps!!
Be well and have a early Happy Valentines Day!