
Showing posts from February, 2010


Invictus Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. William Ernest Henley


Good Morning Everyone,   Every once in a while a quote reaches my inbox that I just need to share with all of you.  The quote I share with you this morning touches my heart.   I try to live my life with a positive attitude each and every day.  However, there are times when I feel defeated and wonder where I will gain the strength to carry on another day.     That is when “hope” and “faith” come in to play.   I learned a long time ago that when the darkness embraces me, it is “hope” and “faith” within me that bring me through to the light.   As we all struggle with our own personal demons, crises, difficulties and burdens, maybe this quote will remind you that there is always hope.   Hope is the sun which, as we journey towards it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. — Samuel Smiles   Namaste’ Sherry      

Sending Healing Thoughts and Prayers

I am sending healing thoughts and prayers to those affected by the large layoff in our  community.  Sixty to seventy positions were laid off yesterday at a large corporation in our community.  It has been described as “brutal” and “the worst in 25 years.”  It didn’t seem to matter the position, length of service or contribution to the company.   My heart always goes out to anyone who experiences a sudden life changing event.  It is difficult to suddenly have your life in an upheaval, with control out of your hands.  Though the State’s economy is doing well, things are tight in this city.  The “good” jobs are far and few between and it makes job hunting difficult. What is worse, is a person may have to swallow pride and take a job of lesser status in order to put food on the table and provide for the family.  Unfortunately it is something that is being done all over the country.   ...

The Indispensable Man

This poem came across in an email sent throughout my workplace a few weeks ago.  During these times of uncertainty and economic woes, many of us are facing job challenges that we thought we’d never have to face in our lives.   As much as we’d like to think that the workplace couldn’t get along without us, none of us is indispensable.      THE INDISPENSABLE MAN Sometimes, when you’re feeling important, Sometimes, when your ego is in a bloom, Sometimes, when you take it for granted, You’re the best qualified in the room. Sometimes when you feel that you going, Would leave an un-fillable hole, Just follow this simple instruction, And see how it humbles your soul. Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it, up to the wrist; Pull it out and the hole that is remaining, Is a measure of how you’ll be missed. You may splash all you please when you enter, You can stir up the water galore, But stop, and you’ll find a minute, That it looks q...

What a Wonderful Time!!

I'm home from vacation and basking in the glow of a wonderful weekend spent with family!  I cannot even begin to explain how it felt to be spending time with Keith, Valerie and her daughter JoAnne.  Our trip started on Thursday morning driving to Fargo to catch a plane.  Thankfully we had good weather and everything was in our favor.  We had a bit of a problem getting off the ground in Minneapolis but other than that the flights went well.  Valerie was already waiting for us at the resort.  It was actually quite funny.  We (Peggy and me) had just gotten in to our room when we heard knocking on the door to the connecting room.  I immediately said, "I'm not going to answer that...we don't know anyone here...we're from North Dakota."  Peggy said, "just tell them we're not with their party."  ~LOL~  The knocking kept on for a few minutes then stopped, at which point knocking began on our door to the room.  I looked through the ...


Yes...I'm going away on a vacation!  Holy cow, can you believe it??  My sister, brother, and sister-in-law are flying to Reno to meet with our California cousins for a fun filled weekend!  I cannot wait.  I'm excited to be there, but nervous to fly, it's been a while since I've flown or even graced an airport.  Think they still push the plane donw the runway to get the propellars to work???  (grin). Anywho, I'll be away from the blog until Tuesday - when I promise to relay all the fun details of the trip to you anxious peeps!!  Be well and have a early Happy Valentines Day! Namaste' Sherry

I think I've lost it...

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to have lunch with three of my fellow yogini’s – Terri, Jackie, and Linda.  Ok, it was more like a gab fest and did we have fun!!! It all started innocently enough talking about movies and songs, then we moved in to more serious topics – our memories, or lack thereof.   I asked a simple question…..”have you ever put something away for safe keeping, only to never lay eyes on it again?”  Oh my gosh!  We were off and running on that topic.  We sat for 2 ½ hours relaying similar stories with each other.  None of us, of course, admit that we are suffering from age related memory loss.  Oh heck no!  Why, we are NOT old, we are just suffering from over usage!  “Brain overload” is what Linda called it.   (works for us!)  It was a devine time and thoroughly enjoyed by this one!  I hated to see the time end, it was that much fun.  Thank you, ladies, for spending your morning with me doing yoga and then ...


to my nephew Daniel and his wife Jennifer on the birth of their 1st child, Tillie Catherine (I chatted with Michael - Uncle - who revealed the name).  My sister called me and said, "it's a girl and that's all I know.."  ~L~  What I know is that little Tillie is going to have everything she ever wants or desires.  If her parents don't give it to her, the Uncle's will.....and most certainly her grandparents!  I'm a Great-Aunt once more, and I cannot wait to meet the little one. She'll join Abby, Brennan, Emil, and Brackston...... the next generation.  ~S~

Feeling My Age

Nope, not going to happen! In my mind, I’m 27 years old living in a 47 year old body.  (And guess what….my “life” age says that I’m actually 7 years younger than my calendar age!)  ROCK ON!!!!   Is that a good thing or a bad thing?  I consider it a good thing myself.  There was a time when 47 was considered old, but by today’s standards the 40’s are the new 30’s.  People are living longer and enjoying life to the “nth” degree.     I had a conversation with a man named “Lee” the other night right before my yoga class.  A wonderful, insightful man in his later 70’s.   He said to me, “I’ve been active all my life, I don’t plan on stopping now.  I’m not one to sit in a rocking chair and watch life pass me by.”   Wow!     My thoughts are that there will be plenty of time to be old la...

A wonderful weekend...

Yes, I packed up my bag, picked up my sister, and headed south for a weekend getaway.....all the way to Adrian!  We spent the weekend at my brother and sister-in-law's and had the most enjoyable time. Nothing grand at all - just good food, conversation, lots of reminiscing about the good ole days, and of and wine.  I can't even begin to tell you how relaxed I felt just hanging out and listening to Terry, Marna and Peggy as they spoke about the views on certain subjects, or their laughter when an embarrasing moment from our youth was brought up.  And the food! We had comfort food which resulted in me showing Terry how to make pigs-in-a-blanket (or stuffed cabbage rolls) and creamed cabbage.  Mouth watering!! Then I came home and woke up sick in the middle of the night.   I'm pretty sure it was the cabbage!  (Overload on the system).  I attempted to get ready for work at noon, but the body wasn't having any part of it.  Kind...