Sunday, February 23, 2025

 With all that has been going on in the world since January 20th, I find that I'm increasingly protective of my time, energy and peace.  

My anxiety spirals when I listen to news.  I cannot not listen to the news as I need to be informed on what is happening in the world.  However, I can't let it trigger anxiety either.  I'm doing more reading and listening to music, writing on this blog, doing yoga/meditation and of course, going to the gym.   

I went to the doctor last week for my annual wellness visit.   Good news.... I'm relatively healthy.  Bad news, I'm still short. LOL Darn!  I came out of there resembling a human pincushion though, a Covid, Tetanus and Pneumonia boosters, cortisone shots bilaterally for knees, and a blood draw for a host of things I like to keep an eye one - blood sugars, cholesterol, iron, etc.   Those tests all came back pretty good with no worries, which is a relief.  

I asked for a referral to an orthopedic surgeon for a consult of my knees, specifically me left knee. I was told 12 yrs ago that I'd need a knee replacement, but I was too young at that time.  Through strength training, biking and yoga I've managed to lead an active lifestyle.  Recently, my knees have started to hinder my activity.  Stairs are an issue as are lunges at the gym.  Walking long distances is downright painful.  The cortisone shots are working magic now, but they'll wear off in time. 

 I have an overabundance of sick leave on the books which is not paid out at the time of retirement (or at best, payout is 10 % and taxable).  I might as well have the surgeries and get paid while I'm rehabilitating.  My hope is that I can have it either in September around my birthday (and before winter). 

 Look at me....a typical Virgo, trying to plan everything out to the nth degree so there aren't any surprises LOL   


Rob said...

Hi again Sherry!

Here is my take on some of what you've written:

"My anxiety spirals when I listen to news. I cannot not listen to the news as I need to be informed on what is happening in the world."
Welcome to the club. I (and many others) act and feel the same as you. Social media has that effect on everyone. I can only count 2 blessings in my case: (1) I'm not directly affected (yet) and (2) I don't have "buyer's remorse" like an increasing number of those who unfortunately elected the wrong guy.

"Bad news, I'm still short. LOL Darn!"
Au contraire (that's French), I disagree. I often consider short ladies to be kinda cute, at least all of those that I've known in the past. So be very proud of your height. Big things come in small packages. :-)

"Look at me....a typical Virgo, trying to plan everything out to the nth degree so there aren't any surprises LOL"
Well this typical tundra Scorpio also always routinely plans everything ahead and so wishes you all the very best when this September after your surgery you once again become the $6M bionic yoga lady!

One day at a time, my friend.

Rob said...

Well Sherry, here I am back to post my 2nd comment to your blog today. I thought that - just for giggles - I'd go back down memory lane and check out your blog's archive. And here's what I found:

(1) Did you know that I first discovered your blog on Nov. 6, 2016

(2) And did you know that it was that day that I posted my first comment to you

(3) But did you know that it was on that very day that u-no-who got elected for his first term as US "el-presidenti".

Scary eh? :-)

Rob said...

grrr - damn typo - the correct date was Nov. 8, 2016

Sherry said...

We've been blog friends since 11-8-2016? At least something good came out of that day and it was NOT the orange Cheeto!! LOL Now I have to go back to that date and see what you commented on! :)

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...