Monday, January 20, 2025

Today was  Martin Luther King Jr holiday.  It was the Inauguration of the President. I avoided watching any of the coverage - I just couldn't stand to watch the egotistical, narcissistic clown.   It's going to be a long four years!  

It was so cold outside (-19) for a high temperature; I canceled any appointments I had for the day and stayed home.  Rather than watch the Inauguration, I chose to do some serious puttering around the house. I cleaned and organized the bathroom cabinets and drawers, did the same for my office - including filing the 2024 documents and setting up for 2025.  It's always a good feeling to get some cleaning and organizing done. I'm such an outdoor nut that I cannot stand to do "indoor" projects in the summer or spring, so I take advantage of the winter months to do all the projects; what doesn't get done by April just has to wait until the following winter.  

Blaine Update:  He didn't break his ankle after all; he severely sprained his ankle and knee.  He'll be out of work for at least a few more weeks then go back to work as a 'people greeter' until his ankle and knee are healed to the point where he can do carts again. Wal-Mart has been awesome to him and have told him that he doesn't need to worry about his job.  He was concerned.  As he put it to me the other day, "If I don't have my job, then I can kiss my apartment goodbye."  His family will always provide him a safety net to some degree - but he knows that earning his own way in life is key to the things he wants - an apartment scooter, cell phone, etc.  He's pretty self-sufficient for being intellectually challenged. I'm beyond proud of him and what he has become.

Terry and Marna are in the process of moving into town; they're moving in the absolute coldest part of the year. Terry is stressed to the max, which I can understand.  He just wants it done! Luckily Blaine has been able to be with them a little bit and help as much as he can.  His getting injured was kind of a good thing in one respect; Terry and Blaine needed some bonding time. 

 I try to take each day as it happens and live in the moment; this wasn't always the case. Yours truly has battled anxiety quite a bit in the past, especially the last 12 years. While I am thankful for the medications, which provided me a modicum of relief from the stress, I knew that they were not the answer.  It has taken me countless hours of reflection and meditation to learn to 'protect my peace.' Most days I am pretty good at letting things roll off my back, other days, not so much. Those are the days when I repeatedly say to myself "Inhale peace and let the Universe handle the rest."  I'm not going to lie, the seasonal stuff (S.A.D) is rearing its ugly head right now, especially with the artic blast. I don't like to pass time away; it goes far too fast as it is. However, I cannot wait until the daylight gets longer and the temperatures aren't so brutal. I know it's a reoccurring theme every year at this time, just as I know that I always survive and come out stronger. 


Rob said...

Well if it wasn't so friggin cold out here where we live, I would have been more outside all day rather than be stuck indoors where it seems every media outlet was blathering on about You-no-Who doing You-no-What to the US and eventually to the rest of the world. If he's successful in everything he's got planned then I've only got 8 words to summarize things:
The Rise And Fall Of The American Empire
'Nuff said...

Time will tell how things will eventually turn out but for now we should all try to:
not sweat the small stuff because everything in life is just that - small stuff
(or so we hope).

Sherry said...

That so-called 'man' is a combination of Hitler and Putin rolled in to one, ugly SOB! I will not respect that man; he is not my president. He's already trying to abolish the birthright citizenship of children born on US soil, regardless of their parents being illegal. It's in our Constitution and he thinks he can just change it? And the Gulf of America?? Seriously? I'm heartsick for our country and those of the LGBQT community, or for that matter - women as a whole. It is NOT a good time to be a woman in the US; I fear our rights are being stripped away. I don't worry for myself, but I do worry for the younger generations that don't have a clue how this man is taking away their rights with each idiotic, hairbrained, convoluted 'show of power (in his mind) he makes. We're the laughingstock of the world right now. And quite frankly, I'm making sure my passport is up to date, and I have enough cash to get me across to Canada if needed.

Sorry for my rant. I just cannot believe that the majority of the voters believed his bullshit,

Rob said...

Sometimes the only thing that we can do is exchange rants, so no sorry is required Sherry. As for heading here to Tundra Land, best if you wait til it's a tad warmer cuz it's a tad "chilly bear" here right now! :-)
But, coming to Canada is ok if you're coming as a tourist but to become here for the long haul, like every other country, one needs to apply to come. Canada has an import quota along with rules on acceptance - like a job waiting here for you or you planning on starting a business or you being related to someone who already live here - stuff like that.
So want me to adopt you? 😏

Sherry said...

I'm hoping that after the orange clown flexes his muscle and his goons (or someone in his swamp party) gets the balls to tell him how stupid he is, that things will settle down. Highly unlikely, but one can hope. LOL Oh, and thanks for the adoption invitation. LOL Guess I'll be a tourist :)

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...