Sunday, March 10, 2024

Sunday morning observations of Working Superwoman: 1️⃣ the morning after the Spring forward time change is slow. I gave my mind and body some grace this morning. No gym, no projects...just quiet and reflection.2️⃣I know people try to be helpful by giving unsolicited advice...the "YOU should do it like this" or "YOU need to do this because it worked for me when I did it that way."Stop using the word "YOU need" or "YOU should". It's telling the person they're failing or not good enough in their efforts. No one needs to feel inferior. Perhaps think about saying words like "I know it's hard, keep going" or "I had great success when I did (insert)." Let  them absorb the information and make the decision to do what is best for them. Let them be the boss of their life.3️⃣Everyone has a battle; be nice!.4️⃣I guarantee you that for every time you talk about someone or criticize them...someone is doing the same about you.5️⃣It's perfectly fine to walk away from people or situations without an explanation 6️⃣A person's religious or political beliefs are theirs and theirs alone.7️⃣Life is hard, people. Most of us are trying to survive our own shit without others trying to pile theirs on top of it. 8️⃣Celebrate each other's victories and support each other's struggles 9️⃣Surround yourself with people who will do both in #8 and have your best interests at heart. And always remember #5. 🔟Be unapologetic and your true authentic self!  What other people think of you is non of your business.  Remember, "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

1 comment:

Rob said...

Hi Sherry,

It's great to read another blog posting from you here.

You know you really should just ignore all those around you who say stuff like "YOU should" or "YOU need" 😏

Did you happen to watch the Oscar awards last night where there was an (almost) naked guy giving out the award for Best Costume Design? Too funny !!! 😁

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...