Monday, May 29, 2023

Have you ever heard the phrase "everything happens for a reason"? I say it almost daily; I believe in it because I know the Universe, God,l or whatever Higher Power you believe in, is at work.  It's constantly guiding you to (or from) things, people or decisions.

I had something happen to me a few months ago that I knew had changed my life, I was just unsure what the 'reason' was.

Today the Universe revealed the 'Why'. It was a most heartwarming, heartfelt, honest, true 'reason' there could have ever been.  It's been in front of me all along...and I knew it, but it took the Universe to smack me alongside the head and say "THIS...This is the Reason!".
I hear you, loud and clear...message received, taken to heart, and fully embraced!  

Sunday, May 28, 2023

may 28, 2023

It's a quiet Sunday.  I am giving myself permission to relax, no gym, no biking or household chores.  I'm sitting on my porch watching life happening around me, reading, listening to my wind chimes.  

It's Memorial weekend, the unofficial official start to summer.  Friday evening my siblings and I did our annual cemetery plot sprucing up.  Unfortunately the wind played havoc on our night and we cut our outdoor time short in favor of going to the local bar and grill for good food, cold beer, memories and laughter.  I've written about this before...I've gone to the cemetery every year since I was old enough to remember with my mother.  Later with my brother Terry (after parents passed) and now with my siblings in the last 12-15 years.   My sister Judy was unable to make it but we gained my great nephew Hayden.  Will he be the one to carry on the tradition when I'm no longer able to do so (as I'm the youngest of 6 in my family).  I worry about that, you know?  Who will carry on the traditions and keep our memories alive?

I planted all of my flowers Friday and yes, I ended up going back for more.  Lol.  I swear it's an addiction with me.  This one brings me peace and calm though...and I justify it with the fact that I don't smoke, I'm not a gambler (other than an occasional lottery ticket), I don't sit in the bar every night and the ND winters dictate that I will be outside to enjoy the beauty every day!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it! 
#smalltownlife #mypretties #familylove #memories

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

may 25, 2023

I spent the night getting my garden ornaments set out. Normally its the last thing I do, rather like decorating a Christmas tree, you know? But as I haven't planted any flowers yet, my flower beds needed a bit of scjhzoozing up with color.  If all goes well and according to my plan, I will plant tomorrow night after the gym and Friday morning.  Everything has gotten so expensive so price necessitated that I reduced my flower budget in half.  Unless I hot the half price sales in June.  Lol

Last week was a fun week, in that I was invited to the kindergarten graduation of my lil adopted granddaughter.  Such a fun time and a privilege to sit with her parents.  There was a little episode with my watch; apparently clapping with enthusiasm triggers a "fall alert".  Who knew??!   Lol. My friend  Liz helped me shut it off after several minutes of alarms getting progressively louder.   It kept asking me if I needed assistance.   Well duh!  Shit the friggen thing off!  Ugggh.

I should've known it wouldn't be a secret though....and walked in to this sign tapped to my monitor Monday morning.  Young punks! Lol

I don't have plans for the Memorial holiday other than to garden, ride bike (time to get my extended rides going!) and open up the patio for people to visit if they choose.  Of course, if hubster has plans, those trump anything and we'll spend time together.  

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

may 18,2023

Yesterday afternoon and last night was a shit show of epic proportions.   I had to play the mean aunt and have a "come to jesus" moment with Blaine.  He's been given a long leash by his parents and me.  He lives independently is self sufficient in so far as he's not on any assistance.   Otherwise it takes a village and sometimes that village forgets we are dealing with a 42 yr old "14 yr old".   And what 14 yr old wants to clean his apartment or do his own laundry?  Right.

While I haven't talked to my brother about this, I laid down some new ground rules with him (and his girlfriend).  Now, it's going to be up to me to follow-up and not just for a while.  Blaine always does good for 'a while' until he falls off the radar.  Not this time, Blaine.  Sorry.

Then I was called in to help a 76 yr old lady (friend and former yoga student) who is in the nursing home.   She's cantankerous and burned all of her bridges with family members.  Now she's reaching out for help from the nursing home where she is rehabing for the next 6-8 weeks.  My intuition tells me I'll be called more often.  My fear is that she'll ask me to be her emergency contact.  I cannot take in that additional response right now.  I just can't. 

Today, so far, has been an okay day other than the fact that I'm tired, stressed and cold.  We had a cold front move through that's brought down smoke from Canadian wildfires.  It's choking out our sun, dangit.   C'mon Canada....get with the program here! 😉

may 17, 2023

It's Wednesday and my day is ok.  I'm working remotely today and it's been quite the day.   My day started out with two little girls.  Their mother had a schedule conflict and needed someone to get her girls to school.  I was able to have them from 720 until about 750 then trucked them off to school but not before getting a selfie with them in honor of "sunglasses day."

Then my sister stopped over for a bit to share all the craziness in her life.   And my best friend Rick called to tell me exciting news in his new relationship with Vickie.  

My mind isn't really on work right now as it is gorgeous outside.   I love hearing the birds chirping and feeling the breeze wafting in through the windows. 

I'm having some emotional issues ...feelings...that I'm having difficulty putting in to words or putting a word to.  I am busy yet, not.  I am fulfilled, yet not.  I'm strong, yet not.  I'm happy, yet not.  I'm living, yet not.  So hard to describe.  I am concerned.  I do so much for everyone...I am that friend that everyone calls on for help.  I pride myself on being "that friend"....yet sometimes I feel as if I'm an afterthought (burden) to them when I need a shoulder. They've never done anything to make me think's a perception I have...perhaps because I have difficulty opening up to people and letting them in.  So maybe it's me?  

I just don't feel like I'm living my best life right there has got to be more.  I'm blessed snd I am grateful for what I have..truly, I am...there are so many people less fortunate than me. I'm just feeling like I'm going through the motions of living.  Is this what every (almost) 61 yr old feels?

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

may 9, 2023

Today was a fairly good day.  Blaines scooter still isn't fixed so my day started with getting him to work.  I may have spoiled him a bit by buying him a McDonald's breakfast. He sure didn't argue. Lol

Tom is coming down with a cold...again.  I don't know what is going on with his immune system.  So I am loading him up with Emergent-C and Vicks  Hopefully that'll help kick it! 

I went for my first ride of the season tonight.  What a gorgeous night!  There were people outside everywhere enjoying the night, walking dogs, gardening, playing ball and just living life!  It was great to see...especially after the 6 months of winter we had.

Monday, May 8, 2023

may 8, 2023

Today was another manic Monday.  My mood certainly matched the weather...cloudy and rainy.

Blaines scooter is still out of commission so I was his transportation for the day.  He is always a bright spot in an otherwise dreary day.  I am hoing to need to get in to his apartment though. My brother hasn't spent a lot of time with Blaine the past months.  And left to his own devices, Blaine isnt overly concerned with laundry or household tasks. He has a double whammy....he's a guy and his mental handicap has him lacking on time and task...meaning he's not a self starter.  Can't say I blame him on that..I tend to procrastinate on the household stuff myself.

I am considering adding in two more classes at the gym.  One would be a flexibility and relaxation class  on Sundays followed by a yoga flow class
 They may not start until the fall when I don't mind being indoors.  With summer arriving soon, I'd like to be able to be outside gardening or riding bike.  I'll meditate it a bit and let the a answer come to me on what would work best for me. The Universe always has my back.🙏

 I can almost see it.... the weekend is within sight!   January felt like it was an entire year.  This week felt like someone was holding my...